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School Closures, Diwali, Remembrance Day, & School-Wide Clothing Swap

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

JICS at a Glance

While we expect that parents read all the important information in the POST, here are this week's highlights:

Topics covered in this post:


1. Happy Diwali - Sunday, November 12th

Wishing you a joyous Diwali filled with happiness and prosperity. We extend our gratitude to all who enriched our celebrations, especially parents Priya, Reena, and Saumya, the talented Grade 1 dancers, tabla artist Dhaivat Jani, Diwali expert Yohan, and our JICS faculty: Krista, Walker, and Shama.


2. School Closed - Friday, November 10th & Monday, November 13th

On Friday, November 10, the JICS teachers and staff will engage in a full day of professional development.

We hope everyone enjoys the Midterm Holiday on Monday, November 13.

Please note that the Daycare will remain open on November 10 and 13 (8:00 am to 6:00 pm). If you wish to register your child, please contact Anne Marie, Daycare Director at Information about the school calendar for 2023-2024 can be found on the JICSfamily website.


3. PA School-Wide Clothing Swap

As temperatures drop, many parents are re-evaluating their children's wardrobes, determining what has been outgrown and what is needed. We are thrilled to announce the PA's first school-wide clothing swap on Friday, December 1st (8:15 am to 4:30 pm) in Room 120 next to our reception. Families are encouraged to drop off outgrown clothing and winter gear with Paige in reception now through November 30th. After our swap on December 1st, all remaining items will be donated to families in need.


4. Book Fair and Book Night

Two beloved JICS community annual events return this year – the Book Fair and Book Night!

On Tuesday, December 5, and Wednesday, December 6, books will be available for sale in our foyer. The highly recommended bookshop, Another Story, will supply books for both children and adults, with 20% of the sales benefiting the JICS Library. Parents, please support our library while doing your holiday shopping!

Back by popular demand, we will host a "Book Night Pyjama Party" on Wednesday, December 6, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in our gym, designed for Nursery to Grade 6 children and their families. This evening will feature activities for all ages to enjoy. Stay tuned for more details.


5. Remembrance Day at JICS

Each year, the JICS community pays tribute to the generations of brave Canadians who have sacrificed for peace and freedom. Our staff and students honored the fallen, war veterans, and active service members with a Remembrance Day ceremony this morning, thoughtfully led by the Grade 6 students and teacher, Nadia. The ceremony included songs of peace, readings, and a moment of silence.

Remembrance Day is a time to remember and be thankful for the peace we enjoy in a world filled with conflict. We are grateful to live in a country that honors the sacrifice of those who gave their lives.


6. Parent Teacher Interviews: November 15 & November 22

Below are the links to sign up for your Fall interview with your child's/children's teachers. More information about parent-teacher interviews can be found in last week's POST.


7. JICS Food Drive by the Kids Who Care Club

The Community Outreach Branch of the JICS Kids Who Care Club invites you to donate the JICS Food Drive!

We are collecting non-perishable items for the month of November to donate to the Avenue Road Food Bank. They are presently serving upwards of 500 families each week and are constantly in need of donations. They especially need canned vegetable, fruits, soups, and proteins; dried pasta and rice; cooking oils; sundries like toothpaste, shampoo; and canned food for dogs and cats.

Please bring your donations to the reception at 45 Walmer Road. Thank you for supporting the JICS Kids Who Care Club Food Drive!


8. Teacher Professional Development

Tomorrow, Friday, November 10, the JICS teachers and staff will engage in a full day of professional development. Professional development is of paramount importance as we are dedicated lifelong learners, committed to continuously enhancing our skills and knowledge.

We are excited to learn from Dr. Ann Lopez, a Jamaican-born professor of educational leadership and policy at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. Dr. Lopez is a leading voice and scholar on anti-racist, decolonizing, and equity education in K-12 schooling.

We will also explore the school theme of "community" in small groups before visiting the ROM for a curated tour of "Being and Belonging: Contemporary Women Artists from the Islamic World and Beyond." This exhibition explores the defining issues of our time from the perspective of 25 women artists connected to the broader Islamic world.


9. Making Rangoli in Grade 6


10. Photos from the Past Month at JICS


11. Upcoming November Events - Hindu Heritage Month

Fri 10 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare open to registered users.

Fri 10 – Due date for applications to Apple Financial for 2024-2025 tuition support

Sun 12 – Diwali

Mon 13 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare open to registered users.

Wed 15 – Parent/Teacher Interviews

Wed 22 – Parent/Teacher Interviews

Tues 28 – Giving Tuesday




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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