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  • Our 30th Annual Read-a-thon will run from March 1 - April 12, 2024.

  • During the month of March, we invite you and your children to focus on literacy and reading. We encourage each child to set goals for their reading and enjoyment of books. The goals that are set will look different for each child. As your child reads, pledges can be collected from family and friends for the books that they have read, or that are read to them.

  • List the books your child reads on a separate sheet of paper and submit it with the form. 

  • By participating, you can help the JICS Lab School Library raise funds to increase our collection! We use the funds raised to maintain and enrich our collection with books that bring diverse perspectives to our students.

    • We purchase from independent bookstores, have subscriptions to science and literature magazines, and bring wonderful authors, storytellers and illustrators to our school for visits.

  • Participation in Read-A-Thon is fun! The sponsor sheet allows families to identify sponsors and track the pledges for the month of March. If you prefer, a flat donation is also welcome. 

  • DONATIONS can be made to the “Jackman ICS Parents’ Association” online, by cheque or cash.

    • Tax receipts are available for donations of $25 or greater, and are only provided if you donate using the online form.

    • Online: Click Here

    • Cheque: please note on the memo line “Readathon 2024”, chid's name and grade.

    • Cash

  • Every child who raises $25 or more will have his or her name placed on a bookplate in a new library book and the classes with 100% participation will celebrate with a collective prize.

  • Read-a-thon forms are available for download and hard copies were sent home with your child. 

  • BONUS: Try to complete a line of Read-a-Thon BINGO! Horizontal, Vertical or Diagonal

  • Online donations can be submitted or donations can be made by mailing in a cheque made out to 'Jackman ICS Parent's Association'. Please note on memo section 'Readathon 2024', child name and grade, and mail to:

    JICS Lab School
    45 Walmer Road 
    Toronto, Ontario
    M5R 2X2


  • All forms are DUE by Friday, April 12.


Thank you in advance for your support of the ICS Lab School Library!



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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522



45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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