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Spring Term Newsletter, Student Online Forms, & Report Cards

JICS at a Glance

We've condensed the important highlights for your convenience:

Topics covered in this post:


1. Thank you, Parents!

As we reach the end of the 2023-2024 school year, we are filled with pride and admiration for the impressive accomplishments we've witnessed in our students. There is so much to celebrate, and our success is thanks to the unwavering support, encouragement, and understanding of our remarkable parent community.


We are already excitedly planning for the 2024-2025 school year. We are updating the Parent Handbook and will send it along soon, along with all the necessary information you need for a smooth start next year.


We wish all JICS families a joyful and refreshing summer and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 3!


2. Last Day and "Graduate Clap Out" - Friday, June 14

We will begin the day with our final school assembly of the year. The school day ends at noon, and the Day Care will be open from 12-6pm. JK to Grade 5 children will gather in the playground at 45 Walmer Road at 11:50 to “clap out” our Grade 6 graduates. Please join us if you can! Day Care children will proceed to Day Care after the assembly. Please note, there will be no hot lunch program on Friday.


3. Goodbye, Graduates!

The graduation ceremony today was a perfect celebration of our amazing Grade 6 graduates!  Thank you, Sarah, Nadia, Nick, Judith, and Krista for all your work preparing the students. It was such a special day, with our students poised between their elementary school days and the next huge chapters of their lives they will continue to live so beautifully. A lovely and lively reception followed the ceremony. Thanks to an incredible planning committee of Grade 6 parents and the help of many Grade 5 parent volunteers! 


Grade 6 Parents, we are grateful for your trust in us and the nourishment and encouragement you have given these amazing graduates. You chose JICS all those years ago, or maybe you arrive just this year, and we thank you all. It has been a privilege to watch your child grow and flourish.


It is our pleasure to announce the Grade 6 legacy gift. The Grade 6 parents thoughtfully chose to donate to the Tuition Support Fund to maintain and enhance the economic diversity at the Lab School, understanding that learning among individuals with diverse life stories is invaluable to true education. Thank you!


We want to say a special goodbye and thank you to those families who have completed their Lab School journey and with this graduation, have finished their years here. Thank you for your support and remember, you are always a part of the JICS family!


We invite all families to enjoy the profiles of our graduates in the June issue of the School Sway Newsletter.


4. Spring Term Newsletter

The JICS Second Term Newsletter was viewed 300 times and now we are delighted to announce that the JICS Third Term Newsletter is ready for you to download. We invite you to read it with your child. This is an opportunity to “peak into” the school and learn about the Spring Term experiences that you may not know about. Use the password provided in the Weekly Info Email to access the newsletter. A huge thank you to Krista for editting and publishing the Newsletter and to all the student contributors and teachers for your help.


5. JICS Library Books

Please look around your home to find any JICS library books and kindly return them to Krista ASAP. The building will be open next week.


6. Lost and Found

On Friday afternoon the remaining unclaimed clothing will be donated. Parents have one more opportunity to check our collection. Ask Paige for directions!


7. Staff PD Week

Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21

The week after school ends is filled with planned professional development opportunities and meetings for classroom and specialty teachers.


8. Student Forms Online (SFOs) for 2024-2025

Our online school registration forms, conveniently called "School Forms Online (SFO), for 2024-2025 will be available on our JICS Family website next week. You will receive an email from the School Office with instructions once they are live and ready to be completed. Please complete SFOs by June 30, 2024. 


9. Report Cards

Report cards will be posted online and available to download as a PDF no later than Friday, June 21.


Log into your SFO account ( to download. Report cards are available on your account temporarily, so you must download them and save copies in a safe place. Should you require a printed copy or a digital copy of a past report card, please reach out to the School Office. 

Download Instructions:

  1. Go to: and log into your SFO Account

  2. Click on FAM Access Module (menu bar, top left)

  3. Click on your child’s name under Academic Year 2023-2024

  4. Go to Grade Reports

  5. Download Fall and Spring reports as a PDF

  6. Save in a safe place


You will receive an email form the School Office with instructions once they are posted and ready to be downloaded. 


10. Performances Inspire Inclusivity and Acceptance at JICS: Support Our Arts Fundraising Goal

The children in JK to Grade 6 enjoyed the Queer Songbook Orchestra (QSO) performance this week. Weaving together story and song, the performance was an interactive exploration of identity and acceptance, nurturing understanding and inspiring inclusivity, love, and acceptance.

The QSO is one of the many enriching learning experiences supported by the JICS Patrick Harvie Arts Fund, established to enhance arts education at JICS by involving professional artists from our community. More information about the history of the fund and the Artist-in-Residence Program can be found here.

As we wrote to you last week, our goal is to raise $10,000 to support our ambitious line-up of artists for the 2024-2025 school year. If every JICS family donated $100, we would reach our goal! Please make donations online here. Tax receipts are issued for all donations.


11. Update from Hot Dog Night!

Hot Dog Night 2024 was a tremendous success! It is obvious that the children in our school care deeply about helping others and our lovely families believe in supporting their initiatives. Thank you to all who contributed to the student led fundraisers at Hotdog Night.  It was a very successful night and collectively the students raised over $1500.00!


Here is a breakdown of the accomplishments of the fundraisers:

  • The students in the GSA raised $490.00 for Rainbow Railroad selling student-made digital art, as well as tickets for a raffle with prizes of homemade stickers and prints, and a grand prize gift certificate for Bulk Barn. The raffle tickets will be drawn and prizes given out at school during the final assembly on Friday.

  • The Kids Who Care club raised $442.80 for Sick Kids Greener Tomorrow selling and raffling off beautiful handmade crafts which were given out at Hotdog Night.

  • Two students in Grade 3 raised $18.25 for the art program at the JICS Lab School selling handmade origami.

  • Six students in Grade 4/5 raised $672.85 selling handmade comics and stickers to support sarcoma cancer research in dedication to Technoblade and Minecrafters vs. Cancer. 


And thank you to everyone for your donations to the Kids Who Care Club’s school supplies drive for the Christie Refugee Welcome Centre. We collected many backpacks and a wonderfully abundant array of school supplies for the children and youth staying at the shelter to enjoy. All the items will be delivered on World Refugee Day, Thursday, June 20. Your contributions are very much appreciated.


12. Photos from the Week

Performance by the Queer Songbook Orchestra

Hot Dog Night 2024

Graduating Class of 2024

Kids Who Care Club - School Supplies for the Christie Refugee Welcome Centre

Special Visit from Raadiyah Nazeem, JICS JK Teacher on Maternity Leave


13. Upcoming June Events

Canada's National Indigenous History Month & World Pride Month

Fri 14 – Last day of school. Noon dismissal. (Daycare open until 6:00pm)

Mon 17 to Thu 27 – Daycare June Camp

Fri 21 – Report Cards Posted Online

Fri 28 – University of Toronto President’s Day. (UofT closed. JICS building closed)




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