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Student Online Forms & Report Cards

JICS at a Glance

We've condensed the important highlights for your convenience:

Topics covered in this post:


1. See You in September!

This is our last Weekly Info POST. We wish all JICS families a joyful and refreshing summer and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 3!


2. Student Forms Online (SFOs) for 2024-2025

This week you will receive an email from the school office requiring each family to complete the School Forms Online (SFO) for 2024-2025. Please complete SFOs by June 30 so that Shama can share the important information with your child’s teacher. 


3. New Siblings on the JICS Application Database

This year, many JICS parents were blessed with a new addition to their family. Congratulations!

Please complete an application online to ensure your newborn’s information is in our application database if you have not already done so.


4. Report Cards

Report cards are posted online and available to download as a PDF now!


Log into your SFO account ( to download. Report cards are available on your account temporarily, so you must download them and save copies in a safe place. Should you require a printed copy or a digital copy of a past report card, please reach out to the School Office. 

Download Instructions:

  1. Go to: and log into your SFO Account

  2. Click on FAM Access Module (menu bar, top left)

  3. Click on your child’s name under Academic Year 2023-2024

  4. Go to Grade Reports

  5. Download Fall and Spring reports as a PDF

  6. Save in a safe place


You will receive an email form the School Office with instructions once they are posted and ready to be downloaded. 


5. Message from Ellie, our Social Worker

Dear Parents,

I want to extend a huge thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers Christina and Sarah and "Tiny Teachers" Baby Brooks and Baby Jake, who made the Roots of Empathy possible this year with Robin's and Zoe's grade 4/5 classes.  This has been such a great program for the school community.


If you know of a parent who will have a 2-4 month old baby at the beginning of September, and who may be interested in volunteering for the 2024/2025 school year please let me know.  


I hope you all have a great summer and please find a SEL (social emotional learning) resource pack with book reccs, a mad lib attached.  





6. Spring Term Newsletter

We invite you to share the Spring JICS Lab School Newsletter with your child if you haven’t had the chance. Use the password provided in the Weekly Info POST email.


7. Message from the Primary Eco Club

The primary-grade Eco-Club has worked hard this year to create a container garden in the laneway off Spadina Ave. We interviewed classes about which vegetables they were interested in growing, we saved seeds from bell peppers as an experiment, we planted seedlings in the classroom and transplanted them to the containers we prepared this May. Currently we are growing peas, chard, zinnias, milkweed, kale nasturiums, golden cherry tomatoes, black tomatoes, pie pumpkins, cuke-a-melons, raspberries, purple and orange carrots, mini-bell peppers, lettuce, chamomile, basil, parsley, sage and thyme. We hope to add some bean seeds before the end of the year as well. 

We are asking JICS families for help to water this garden over the summer months.  If you and your children are interested in a week of summer watering, please sign up here. Of course, you are also welcome to harvest the veggies during the summer and enjoy eating from our garden. After signing-up, the eco-club will contact you with instructions. Thank you for helping our plants thrive this summer!


8. JICS Staff Video

The teachers and staff surprised the Grade 6 students and their parents with this funny video at the graduation ceremony. We have received many requests to share the link so that children can watch it again. Thank you, Nick for producing, writing, casting, directing, filming, and editing the film.


9. Thank you to Grade 6 Parents!

For their legacy gift, the Grade 6 parents thoughtfully chose to donate to the Tuition Support Fund, understanding that learning among individuals with diverse life stories is invaluable to a true education. With close to 100% participation from the Grade 6 parents, we now have an astounding $30,104 added to the Fund to help maintain and enhance economic diversity at the Lab School. THANK YOU! The Class of 2024 will be proudly recognized with a plaque in our auditorium seats, the next issue of the JICS Alumni Echo, and across OISE and UofT digital and print publications.


10. JICS Library Books

Please look around your home to find any JICS library books and kindly return them to the school ASAP. The building will be open next week.


11. Performances Inspire Inclusivity and Acceptance at JICS: Support Our Arts Fundraising Goal

The children in JK to Grade 6 enjoyed the Queer Songbook Orchestra (QSO) performance this week. Weaving together story and song, the performance was an interactive exploration of identity and acceptance, nurturing understanding and inspiring inclusivity, love, and acceptance.

The QSO is one of the many enriching learning experiences supported by the JICS Patrick Harvie Arts Fund, established to enhance arts education at JICS by involving professional artists from our community. More information about the history of the fund and the Artist-in-Residence Program can be found here.

As we wrote to you last week, our goal is to raise $10,000 to support our ambitious line-up of artists for the 2024-2025 school year. If every JICS family donated $100, we would reach our goal! Please make donations online here. Tax receipts are issued for all donations.


12. Upcoming June Events

Canada's National Indigenous History Month & World Pride Month

Mon 17 to Thu 27 – Daycare June Camp

Fri 21 – Report Cards Posted Online

Fri 28 – University of Toronto President’s Day. (UofT closed. JICS building closed)


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