Richard and Chriss' Welcome

Dear Jackman ICS families
Welcome to the Jackman ICS family website! We feel that communication with parents is vitally important for the benefit of the child.
This website is designed and dedicated to serve the needs of current Lab School parents. It is a complete gathering of pertinent information about the Lab School including copies of all emails sent home from the school office. We have a section for information from our wonderful Parents’ Association; a new method to complete and update school forms online; and a password protected section to store our beautiful student newsletters. More information about the Lab School and the Institute as a whole, can be found on the university website: http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/ics/
At Jackman ICS, we believe that “all ideas are improvable”! We invite you to explore this website and if you have recommendations to improve its use, please let us know!
Richard Messina, Principal
Chriss Bogert, Vice Principal