Topics covered in this post:

1. Welcome Back!
We are looking forward to having the children return to in-person learning on Monday, January 17. Here are a few reminders:
A) Arrival/Dismissal
Please (VERY) carefully screen your child for COVID symptoms and complete the JICS Screening Form by 8:00am.
Arrival is from 8:30-8:45am and daycare for registered users begins at 8:00am.
“Kiss and Drive” support is available on Walmer Road, in front of the school. Parents will remain inside the vehicle and immediately exit the drop-off area once children have connected with an adult on duty. Please ensure that your child’s bag/lunch is accessible by your child.
Students/families walking/biking will integrate into the staggered flow into the building/yard, maintaining physical distance.
JK to Grade 6 students are required to wear a mask beginning a drop-off.
Parents and caregivers are required to wear a mask at drop-off and pick-up, and are asked to physically distance and exit the school property as soon as they connect with their child/ren.
B) Indoor Shoes and Outdoor Clothing
Please ensure that children have a pair of indoor shoes to change into from their winter boots at school. (Many brought these shoes home for the holidays.)
Children play outside in all-weather at JICS (including light rain, snowy days, and cold conditions). Please send your child with outdoor clothing appropriate to weather conditions.
C) JICS Electronic Devices (Gr 1-6)
Please return all borrowed devices and learning materials for the children to use in class.
D) International Travel
If you have travelled with your child during the winter holidays, please note that Public Health’s policy remains the same: any child who is not fully vaccinated travelling outside the country cannot attend school for 14 days upon return.
We cannot provide hybrid learning for children while they are away due to travel. We thank you for your understanding.
We require all families travelling abroad to complete the travel form.
If you previously completed the form but your travel plans changed, please fill it out again with the updated information
2. Re-enrolment for 2022-2023
Re-enrolment information and forms were emailed on December 9 for the 2022-2023 school year. The form and the non-refundable $5000 deposit are due in the office by Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Parents can deliver them in person to the reception. Please enter the building from 45 Walmer Road (where you will complete a COVID self-screening) with PPE and maintain physical distance while in the building. Please take the time to review the JICS values, philosophy, and mission before making your decision to re-enrol.
3. Parent Education Events
February 3, 2022 | 7:00pm-8:00pm
Book-Ticket Event with Jesse Wente

Save the date! We are thrilled to invite all JICS families and friends to a book/ticket fireside with Inclusion Speaker Jesse Wente. Jesse has appeared on CBC Radio's Metro Morning as a film and pop culture critic for 20 years. He is currently the Chair of the Canada Council for the Arts. He previously served as Director Film Programmes at TIFF Bell Lightbox, where he oversaw theatrical, Cinematheque and Film Circuit programming. A self-described "Ojibwe dude" with a national and international lens, he encourages audiences to consider diversity and inclusion into their future view of their organization, industry and country. Jesse is an outspoken advocate for Indigenous rights, and First Nations, Inuit and Métis art; the first nationally syndicated Indigenous columnist for the CBC; and the first Executive Director of the Indigenous Screen Office. For Jesse’s full bio, please visit: Jesse Wente Full Bio
Tickets in the form of Jesse's book are now available for purchase. See full details on our events page.
January 27, 2022 | 12:30-1:30pm
Lunch and Learn with Ellie Lathrop
Riding the Waves - A review of recent literature on predictors of parental resilience and burnout during the pandemic
From Ellie: Happy New Year, or should I say Happy Groundhog Year? The stress and exhaustion of parenting during this pandemic is not going away. Let's gather together for a talk about what some recent literature shows about how parents are doing and what can be helpful and what to pay attention to. We will have a 30 min talk that is recorded and then 30 minutes of time for discussion and questions (not recorded). Sending you all warm thoughts.
RSVP info coming soon!
January 25, 2022 | 7:00-8:00pm
A UofT Virtual Alumni and Friends Event
Digital Media Overuse and Youth: Excessive Screen Time and Promoting Healthy Behaviours
Smartphones and the use of social media have gained popularity among youth over the past decade and screen time has rapidly increased among this group during the pandemic. Many parents are concerned about the increasing mental distress and negative impacts on youth socio-emotional functioning, which parallels their excessive use of social media and smartphones. Join Dr. Elia Abi-Jaoude, Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor at the Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, to learn ways to promote healthy behaviours in your children as he discusses youth mental health and strategies to combat the effects of digital media overuse. Unable to attend this webinar live? All registrants will also receive a copy of the recording which can be viewed on demand!
4. Hot Lunch Program
Tricia, the Lunch Mom, will be extending the hot lunch winter term out into April by the number of days missed during distance-education. If there are unused credits at the end of the school year, credits will be e-transferred to parents.
Enjoy these photos of JICS students learning from home!
6. Upcoming January Events
Mon 17 – Martin Luther King Day (US)
Wed 19 – Re-enrolment forms and deposits due for 2022-2023
Thurs 20 – Nursery 2022-2023 Virtual Open House
Mon 24 – Parents' Association General Meeting. 6:00-7:00pm
Tues 25 – Parent Ed Event: Digital Media Overuse and Youth (Register Now)
Thurs 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Thurs 27 – Parent Ed Event: "Lunch and Learn with Ellie" (RSVP coming soon)
7. Upcoming February Events
African Heritage Month
Tues 1 – Lunar New Year (Year of the Tiger)
Thurs 3 – Parent Ed Event: Fireside Q&A with Jesse Wente (a book-ticket event) 7:00-8:00pm RSVP
Fri 18 – Midterm Holiday (School closed. Daycare open)
Mon 21 – Family Day Holiday (School & Daycare closed)
Wed 23 – Anti-bullying Day