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Re-Opening, Safety Protocols, Thank You!

Updated: Feb 24, 2021

Topics covered in this post:

  1. Midterm Holiday

  2. School Building Re-Opening (JK to Grade 6)

  3. COVID-19 Safety Protocols

  4. Learning Material Return

  5. Lunar New Year - Wear Red!

  6. Hot Lunch Program

  7. Parent Ed Feb 18: Addressing Racism and Anti-Black Racism

  8. Proper Clothing

  9. School Office Hours

  10. Thank You to Kindergarten Parents

  11. Thank You to the Nursery Teachers and Daycare Staff

  12. PHOTOS: Distance Education

  13. PHOTOS: Nursery children

  14. Upcoming February Events

  15. Upcoming March Events


1. Midterm Holiday

The School (distance-education) and Daycare will be closed (Nursery to Grade 6) on Friday, February 12 and Monday, February 15 (Family Day). We wish everyone a well-earned mid-term holiday.


2. School Building Re-Opening (JK to Grade 6)

We are looking forward to welcoming the children into the building on Tuesday, February 16! Daycare will be open at 8:00am for registered users. Contact: Anne Marie Bartoli, Daycare Supervisor, RECE


3. COVID-19 Safety Protocols

Please carefully review the following safety measures:

A. Self-Screening

The JICS Daily Online Screening Form must be completed for each child before 8:00am by an adult. We ask that you begin this process tomorrow, Friday February 12th to assist us in accurately tracking any symptoms and keeping everyone safe when we return in-person next week. All screening information can be found at

  • After 8:00am each day, administration will contact families who have not completed the form and notify them regarding next steps for their child who will be placed in isolation.

  • The screening form must be completed even if your child is absent for reasons not related to COVID-19.

  • If your child has had any one or more symptom(s) of COVID-19 within 10 days prior to Tuesday, February 16th, they must continue to self-isolate for the full 10 days (from the time symptoms began) or get tested before they can return to in-person learning, even if they are feeling better on Tuesday morning.

B. Arrival

Student arrival is from 8:30-8:55am. The start of the school day is 9:00. There is no entry, late entry, or re-entry into the building for any student outside of the 8:30-8:55am arrival time.

  • Children must enter the building through their designated doors from the Fall Term, as outlined in the Parent Handbook

  • Masks are mandatory for all adults at arrival and dismissal.

  • On the Walmer Road morning “Kiss and Drive”, please wait patiently in your car for a staff member to become available to help your child/ren. No adults are to exit their cars in the drop off zone to minimize contact.

C. Masking

  • Masks are mandatory for students in Grades 1-6 indoors and outdoors (with the exception of individuals with a pre-existing medical condition).

  • NEW: It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that children in Kindergarten (JK/SK) wear a mask indoors and outdoors.

  • Children need to bring (at least) 3 cloth masks (or disposable masks) to school: one on their face when they arrive, and two laundered masks stored in a clean container.

  • Teachers will schedule “mask changing times” at specific times of day. Cloth masks need to be laundered before re-use.

  • Children need to have two labelled containers: one for clean, ready to use, laundered masks and the other for used masks.

  • Masks are mandatory for all adults on school property and for parents/caregivers at drop-off and pick-up times.

  • More information about masks at JICS provided in a previous post

D. Dismissal

Please refer to the Parent Handbook dismissal section to refresh your memory about pick-up locations. Students will be dismissed at the following times:

  • 3:00pm (12:00pm on half-days): All JK & SK students and any of their older siblings (beginning at 2:30pm from the yard)

  • 3:00pm (12:00pm on half-days): Gr 4-6 students without younger siblings (JK-Gr 3) from 56 Spadina

  • 3:10pm (12:10pm on half-days): All Gr 1-3 students and their siblings in Gr 4-6.

E. Congregating

It is crucial that students not congregate before school starts and that they return directly home after school to avoid transmission.

  • Parents and caregivers should not be congregating during drop off and pick up. Please maintain 2m distancing as you line up to pick up your child/children.

  • No one should be congregating in parks after school.

F. Travel

Families who have travelled outside of the Province of Ontario are required to complete the JICS TRAVEL FORM and to self-isolate for 14 days before returning to school.

The success of our reopening hinges on our collective efforts to adhere to the safety protocols outlined by Public Health and by our school’s COVID protocols found here and in the Parent Handbook.


4. Learning Material Return

For children in Grade 1 to 6, it is essential that each student return their technology device and charger on Tuesday, February 16.

For children in JK to Grade 6, we ask that the learning materials that were loaned out for distance education be returned as soon as possible beginning Tuesday, February 16. Staff will be outside at arrival on February 16 to assist with receiving the material.


5. Lunar New Year - Wear Red!

Tuesday, February 16 is an exciting day for many reasons. Not only are we returning into the building for in-person education, but we are also celebrating Lunar New Year as a community by wearing red!


6. Hot Lunch Program

The Lunch Mom will be resuming hot lunch for the children registered on Tuesday, February 16th. For those who registered for Jan 4 – April 1, these dates have been pushed forward to Feb 16 – May 14 for both the lunch and snack programs. You will not need to sign up again until May. If you did not place an order late December, you can now do so online:


7. Parent Education Feb 18th:

Addressing Racism and Anti-Black Racism: Building Capacity and Understanding as a Parent

In this presentation, Dr. Belinda Longe will begin with a short review of the historical context of racism in Canada and continue with sharing definitions of racism, anti-Black racism, and privilege. She will also explore the intersectionality of these concepts and encourage parents and caregivers to think more deeply about these issues and reflect on their privilege, position, and identity in the context of racism. Dr. Longe will also share ways that parents and caregivers can discuss race, racism, and anti-Black racism through age-appropriate conversations with their children and encourage parents to think about how they can become allies in dismantling racism in their personal and professional contexts. The goal is to help members of the school community begin to build their own capacity in navigating racism and anti-Black racism.

About Dr. Belinda Longe

Dr. Belinda Longe is currently working as a Principal for the TDSB and is also an instructor for the Ontario Principals' Council in their Principal Qualification Program. She has been an educator for over 25 years and completed her PhD in the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the University of Toronto. Belinda served for eight years as a member of the Board of Directors for the Daily Bread Food Bank. She was also the first Co-Coordinator of the Inner-City Option at OISE/UT in the Teacher Education Program. Throughout her career she has been a strong advocate for students and their families and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to identifying and removing systemic barriers to success for students. Belinda has continued to work proactively to build partnerships with parents, caregivers, and community agencies, and worked collaboratively with all stakeholders to improve student achievement. Dr. Longe has two children, ages 10 and 6.

Please submit question in advance through your RSVP or directly to There will also be opportunities to ask questions through the chat during the talk.


8. Proper Clothing

At JICS, we play outdoors in all weather! Please ensure your child comes to school with all of the proper clothing to play freely outside and be comfortable throughout the day, with a change of clothing just in case. Please provide indoor shoes for your child.


9. School Office Hours

Beginning February 16, 2021, the school office/reception will be open 8:00am to 4:00pm.


10. Thank You to Kindergarten Parents

Many parents have reported that the transition this term from in-person to distance education was surprisingly smooth for their child/ren. At the recent PA Meeting, each Class Rep Parent reported how proficient and independent the children were on the new technology. We want to take this time to thank all parents for your help, but in particular, the parents of the Kindergarten children. We know that the success of distance education for our youngest students was thanks to your involvement with your young child.


11. Thank You to the Nursery Teachers and Daycare Staff

The JICS Nursery children were fortunate to be able to come to school for in-person learning during the ministerial school closure. We want to thank the Nursery Team and the Daycare Staff for providing exemplary learning experiences, outdoors in the courtyard and in the school, to the youngest children in our community.


12. Photos of Distance Education:

At home learning

Disguise Day in Grade 1

Beach Day in JK

Today's school-wide Crazy Hat/Crazy Hair Day!


11. Photos of Nursery children enjoying in-person learning


12. Upcoming February Events - Black History Month

Fri 12 – Midterm Holiday – No school: Nursery to Grade 6

Fri 12 – Lunar New Year

Mon 15 – Family Day – No school: Nursery to Grade 6

Tues 16 – Lab School Building Re-Opens. In-person learning Nursery to Grade 6

Tues 16 – JICS celebrates Lunar New Year - Wear Red!

Thurs 18 – Parent Ed: Addressing Racism and Anti-Black Racism: Building Capacity and Understanding as a Parent RSVP here

Fri 19 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)

Tues 23 – Daycare Board Meeting 5:30-7:00pm

Fri 26 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)


13. Upcoming March Events

Tues 2 – JICS Book Night - save the date for a virtual livestream family event, at 7pm!

Fri 5 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)

Mon 8 to Fri 19 – March Break. School and Daycare closed.

Mon 8 – International Women's Day

Fri 19 – Nawruz/Nawrooz, Persian New Year

Mon 22 – Spring Term begins

Fri 26 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)


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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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