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Tuition Payment Due Tomorrow & Robbie Case Memorial Lecture

JICS at a Glance

We've condensed the important highlights for your convenience:

Topics covered in this post:


1. Second 2024-2025 Tuition Payment Due Tomorrow

The second tuition payment is due on April 19, 2024. This payment is non-refundable and representing 50% of the balance tuition balance. Please make your cheque payable to the University of Toronto.


Nursery 2024-2025 Tuition is $18,723

  • A non-refundable deposit of $5,000 was paid at the time of acceptance.

  • 50% balance due April 19 = $6,861.50 (non-refundable)


Full Day (JK to Grade 6) 2024-2025 Tuition is $29,092

  • A non-refundable deposit of $5,000 was paid in January 2024 or at time of acceptance.

  • 50% balance due April 19 = $12,046 (non-refundable)


Shama is available in the school office each school day, 8:00am to 4:00pm. She is happy to receive post-dated cheques in advance of April 19. 


The final tuition payment is due September 1, 2024.


2. Lost and Found

We invite parents to visit our “Lost and Found” collection located in the large stairwell. Paige, at reception, is happy to provide you with directions. We thank Paige for sorting all the un-labelled material.


3. Robbie Case Memorial Lecture - May 7, 7:00-8:30pm at JICS

All JICS parents and friends are invited to the 2024 Robbie Case Memorial Lecture Supporting learning and development among refugee children through research-practice-policy partnerships: Evidence from Syrian and Rohingya families by Dr. HIrokazu Yoshikawa, Professor of Globalization and Education at NYU Steinhardt.


In honour of former JICS director and world-renowned developmental theories, Robbie Case and his vast contributions to psychology and education, the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study (JICS) has hosted an endowed lecture series in his name over the past 20 years.


4. 2024 International Association of Lab Schools Annual Conference

Burris Lab School - Muncie, Indiana

April 24 to 26

Chriss Bogert, Zoe Donoahue, Tara Rousseau, Krista Spence, and Richard Messina will represent the JICS Lab School at the 2024 International Association of Lab Schools Annual Conference: Celebrating Collaborative Research in Laboratory Schools. Innovation beats at the heart of laboratory schools, and it is through research that innovation is born and thrives. At the 2024 conference, we will deepen our understanding of how laboratory schools create cultures of research by celebrating the ways teachers, students, parents, university professors, preservice teachers, community partners, and the network of IALS member schools support and inspire one another to participate in and contribute to the research process. During the time of the Conference, Michael Martins will be JICS Acting Principal.


5. Parent Education: Lunch & Learn with Ellie


If you missed the (April 11) session “Supporting Your Child's Relationship with Food” with JICS Social Worker, Ellie Lathrop and Registered Dietician, Jessica Zupan, you can view the recording below.


6. JICS 30th Annual Read-a-thon Update

Dear JICS Community, 

At a time when books that speak truths are being challenged or outright banned, and librarians are losing their jobs, I am especially grateful for the incredible support of the Read-a-Thon library fundraiser.  

This year, avid readers, our students, and parents, grandparents, nannies, family friends, and siblings are donating to fund our library collection. We will provide a final donation total next Thursday, April 25th. Donations will remain open until then. These funds will also be used to bring in authors, illustrators, and storytellers. 

We will continue to critically examine the stories on our shelves, to bring in perspectives that were not even published for a long time, and to give these voices spaces in our library. 

In the library, we engage in deep discussions that are grounded in stories that allow us to imagine being someone else OR to see ourselves. I am grateful for the funds to bring in more of these powerful stories and perspectives. 


Look whose bookplates we found in the library:  Current Grade Two teacher, and former lab school student, Walker Kitchens and another former lab school student, who is currently in our MA program: Jonathan Brown-Gilbert! Imagine how many students have read these books over the years! Thanks for the support!

Krista Spence


7. Happy Earth Day - April 22

For this special day, we are sharing the Thanksgiving Address, as told in the book: “Strong Stories Kanyen’keya:ka: The Thanksgiving Address” by Michelle Corneau, Kanyen’keya:ka (Mohawk). This book is available for purchase at the Native Canadian Center of Toronto Book Store, 16 Spadina Rd, or fromGoodMinds publishing company, located at Six Nations.


The Thanksgiving Address is from the Haudenosaunee People.

This is a short version of a much longer address that can take hours or sometimes days to tell.

The Thanksgiving Address is used to begin important meetings or gatherings in the Longhouse.


We give thanks to our Mother, the Earth. Thank you for gifting us all that we need to live.

We give thanks to the water. Thank you to the streams, rivers, oceans, and rain for gifting us fresh water to drink.

We give thanks to all the fish.  Thank you for the food and nutrients and for keeping the waters clean. 

We give thanks to all the sacred plants, above all sage, cedar, sweetgrass, and tobacco.  Thank you for helping us to feel better.  

We give thanks to the insects, thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping the earth healthy. 

We give thanks to all the food plants, especially corn, beans, and squash.  Thank you for gifting us yummy things to eat. 

We give thanks to all the fruit plants, above all the strawberry. Thank you for representing the unity of the Six Nations. 

We give thanks to the trees, above all, the maple. Thank you for gifting us sweet sap in the spring. 

We give thanks to all the animals. Thank you for gifting us food and clothing and teaching us many important lessons.

We give thanks to the birds. Thank you for sharing your beautiful songs throughout the seasons. 

We give thanks to the winds.  Thank you for blowing and keeping us cool in the summer. 

We give thanks to Grandmother Moon and the stars, thanks for giving us light in the night-time. 

We give thanks to our Elder Brother the Sun, thank you for the light that makes things grow and for keeping us warm. 

We offer our thanks and greetings to the Creator. Thank you, Creator.


8. Hot Dog Night - Thursday, June 6th

Save the date! The JICS annual Hot Dog Night will take place on Thursday, June 6th from 6:00-8:00pm in the school yard. Registration information coming soon!


9. Animatronics with Special Friends in Grades 2 and 6


10. Upcoming April Events

Mon 15 to Fri 19 - La Semaine De La Francophonie at JICS

Wed 17 – Parent Teacher Interviews

Fri 19 – Due date for 2nd JICS tuition payment

Mon 22 to Fri 26 – Earth Week at JICS

Mon 22 – Passover begins

Wed 24 to Fri 26 – International Association of Lab School Conference in Muncie, Indiana

Wed 24 – Parent Teacher Interviews


11. Upcoming May Events

Asian Heritage Month

Fri 3 – Good Friday (Orthodox)

Sun 5 – Easter (Orthodox)

Tues 7 – JICS Robbie Case Memorial Lecture at JICS 7:00-8:30pm RSVP

Fri 10 – Grandpals’ Day 2:00-3:30pm (Details coming soon)

Thur 16 – Track and Field Meet at Birchmount Stadium

Mon 20 – Victoria Day. School and Daycare closed.

Thur 23 – Art & Music Night (Details coming soon)

Tues 28 – Parents of BIPOC Children Meeting (Details coming soon)

Wed 29 – Games Day (rain date May 30)





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