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Financial Support, Parent Ed, Cindy Halewood Memorial

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

Child showing small objects in hand

Topics covered in this post:


1. Rapid Antigen Screening Program

Long weekends are definitely appreciated but they sometimes throw us off during the work week. If you forgot to complete your child’s rapid screening yesterday, please complete it tonight and return to the Sunday/Wednesday pattern this weekend.


2. Financial Support

The JICS Lab School is committed to needs-based financial support that will both enable increased diversity and retain current Lab School families. Tuition support is available to current students entering Grades 3-6 in the 2022-2023 school year. The deadline for applications is November 10.

All applications and requests are confidential.

If you are interested in donating to the JICS Diana Rankin Muncaster Family Tuition Support Fund or the JICS Lab School Endowment Fund, please see here for information or speak with Richard Messina.


3. PFLAG Workshop


PFLAG Workshop details (also in text)

The first JICS PA Parent Education event of the school year is taking place via Zoom tonight from 7:00-8:00 pm. Please join us for a workshop put on by PFLAG Toronto, which will focus on inclusive parenting and how to create an affirming environment for your child, and children in general, on topics related to gender identity and sexual orientation.

There will be a 30 minute presentation followed by a Q & A/discussion period. We highly recommend that all parents attend.


4. Memorial for Cindy Halewood

Wednesday, October 20 | 7:00pm

This long postponed event (first announced February 2020) is coming up next week. Please join us for a virtual celebration to honour the life of former JICS Teacher, Cindy Halewood. Students, colleagues and friends will share thoughts, memories and song to remember Cindy. There will also be an open opportunity to speak during the event for those who wish.


5. Parent Education - Social Media and Protecting Your Child's Sense of Self

Thursday, October 21 | 12:30pm

Dear Parents and JICS Community,

I'm excited to continue to offer a series of Parent Workshops and opportunities for conversation within our school community. We will start with a 30 minute talk followed by opportunity for discussion, shared resources and questions. We are starting this year with an important topic, dealing with social media. There are so many ways that our relationship with media affects our lives, and it is critical as parents to consider how to approach this within your family.

The presentation part of the talk will be recorded.

Ellie Lathrop (she, her), MSW, RSW

Social Worker, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study

Tuesdays and Thursdays


6. Message from JICS Parents' Association

Dear Parent Community, All JICS parents are cordially invited to join the first general membership meeting of the Parents Association on Tuesday, 19 October from 7:30pm. On the agenda for this meeting:

  1. Overview of the PA budget and current financial situation of the PA;

  2. Overview of Parents Education events currently being planned for the year;

  3. Discussion of the recent vandalism incident at the school, and the PA’s plans to address anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion in its work.

  4. Other updates from our principal, Richard.

  5. Class reps reports on social happenings for their cohort.

  6. Discuss opportunities for volunteering.

Please RSVP here to receive an email with the Zoom link. Sincerely yours, François Tanguay-Renaud (on behalf of the PA Executive)


7. JICS Article in EcoParent Magazine

We are very proud to share "Rethinking Environmental Education, Reconciling with the Natural World", a collaborative article from JICS’ Natural Curiosity Program (Rosa Na) & Take Me Outside (Colin Harris) for EcoParent Magazine with the JICS Parent Community:

Over the last year and a half, the world has had to rethink many norms in order to adapt to this global pandemic. Hugging family members, socializing with neighbours, gathering together for events - we are eager to get back to the way things were, and for good reason. But are there some areas where we have had to rethink what might be worth holding onto?

As the world contemplates a shift to a new normal, it appears that “eco-” education is finally getting its day in the sun. Worldwide, the evidence is mounting that being outdoors poses a lower risk for contracting COVID-19, for adults and children alike, potentially increasing everyone’s commitment to spending more time outside. Ample studies have demonstrated that being outdoors is beneficial to physical and mental health, reducing feelings of isolation, increasing vital activity, helping to regulate stress, strengthening the immune system, and forming a lasting bond with nature. For environmentally conscious parents and educators alike, none of this is new.

While outdoor learning seems an obvious antidote to many of the issues we're facing these days, it’s important for eco-parents and educators to rethink some of the norms that have existed within this field of environmental education. Are there areas of knowledge that we haven't considered or missed along the way? What do we need to reconsider to be more inclusive? More Canadians are opening their eyes to stories, perspectives, and voices that have been left out of the predominantly Eurocentric narrative of Canada that has shaped the better part of the last 150 years. It is easy to forget that outdoor education (or eco-parenting) itself is not a new idea; it is strongly aligned with what many Indigenous peoples in Canada and Indigenous nations across the world have believed since time immemorial and continue to practice through living in reciprocity with the natural world (Anderson, Chiarotto & Comay, 2017). The realm of environmentally conscious parenting and education is no exception to this awakening, but as Adam Grant points out in his book Think Again, “In a rapidly changing world, we need to spend as much time rethinking as we do thinking.”

This article provides 5 suggestions for how we as eco-parents and educators, can rethink “sticky” conventional notions that are widely held in the world of environmental education. We invite you to consider the following provocations as an opportunity to reframe environmental learning towards a shared goal of nurturing nature-based connections and reciprocal relationships across Turtle Island (North America) in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation… Read the rest of the article here.


8. Terry Fox Donations

The Grade 3 students have been counting the donations from the Terry Fox Run all week. They are excited to share that we have surpassed their goal, raising a total of $2370 for cancer research. The Grade 3 students would like to thank everyone for your generosity!


9. Unicef - A Message from the Grade 6 Class

Dear JICS Students & Families,

Children around the world are struggling. This is especially true because of COVID-19. This year, the grade sixes have started learning about UNICEF. Our mission is to raise money to help children in need. During the pandemic, we have had the privilege of accessing resources to help us learn at home and in-person. Unfortunately, not all kids have had that luxury. Currently, there are 57 million children that are our age who don’t have access to education across the world. Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes aren't helping. Our goal is to raise $2,600 to help children across the world. Will YOU help us?

What is UNICEF?

UNICEF stands for United Nations Children Fund. It is a worldwide organization that has been helping children in need across the world for 75 years. UNICEF has provided supplies such as medical care and food, but they also provide humanitarian support to children in countries in need like Haiti. UNICEF also works to protect the rights of children everywhere. Now through the COVID 19 pandemic, UNICEF is the world's largest vaccine provider delivering to the communities most in need.

How your money helps

UNICEF support's children all over the world. For example in Syria there is a war that has been going on for more than a decade, which means that some children who are under 10 have only known war. After a decade of fighting how much longer will children suffer? Children around the world need your help now. Donate now and help the children.

  • $50 can provide urgent aid to 68 children in need.

  • $67 can provide one child with warm winter clothing that will last.

  • $36 provides 4 warm emergency blankets.

  • $70 provides shelter for a family of 5.

  • $4.81 per vaccine delivery

  • $14.43 will vaccinate 3 people

  • $100 will vaccinate 20 people

  • $1000 will vaccinate more than 200

Where and how to donate

There are many ways to donate and help support UNICEF. You can either:

  • Donate online by visiting the JICS UNICEF fundraising page

  • Donate cash in the donation boxes available in each classroom

  • Scan the QR Code on posters and flyers around the school

Please donate whichever way is easiest for you.

Thank you for your time,

The Grade 6's


More Photos!


Upcoming October Events

Islamic Heritage & LGBT History Month

Thurs 14 – Parent Education: PFLAG Workshop (RSVP)

Mon 18 – Persons Day

Tues 19 – JICS PA All-Parents Meeting. Online. (RSVP)

Wed 20 – Memorial for Cindy Halewood (RSVP)

Thurs 21 – Launch of JICS Parenting Workshop Series with Social Worker, Ellie Lathrop (RSVP)

Fri 29 – Halloween at JICS (details coming soon)


Upcoming November Events

Hindu Heritage Month

Thurs 4 – Diwali (5 Days of Celebration: Nov 2-6)

Tues 9 – Due date for JICS sibling registration for Nursery 2022-2023 (email coming soon)

Wed 10 – Due date for applications to Apple Financial for 2022-2023 tuition support

Thurs 11 – Remembrance Day

Fri 12 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare open.

Mon 15 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare open.

Wed 17 – Parent Teacher Interviews (sign up information coming soon)

Wed 24 – Parent Teacher Interviews (sign up information coming soon)

Tues 30 – Giving Tuesday


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