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Midterm Break, Parent Teacher Interviews, Parent Ed

Topics covered in this post:

Gr 4s celebrating Diwali

1. Diwali Celebrations

Wishing you a Diwali that brings happiness, prosperity, and joy to you and all your family. Enjoy these photos of today’s celebrations!


2. Midterm Break, School Closed – Friday, Nov 12 & Monday, Nov 15

On Friday, November 12, the JICS teachers and staff will engage in a full day of professional development. We hope everyone enjoys the Midterm Holiday on Monday, November 15. The Lab School is closed both days and the Daycare is open for current daycare students. Please contact Anne Marie.


3. November is Hindu Heritage Month

In 2016, the Government of Ontario declared the month of November each year as Hindu Heritage Month. Canadians of Hindu faith have greatly contributed to civic life in Canada for decades and they are a vibrant part of the growth and prosperity of Toronto, Ontario, and Canada. November is an opportunity for the JICS community to celebrate the Hindu way of life, examine its impact and contributions to the world culture, and recognize values which promote compassion, mutual respect, and inclusion. We invite parents to enrich our learning by sharing your Hindu identity with us. Please contact your child’s/children’s teacher/s.


4. Parent Teacher Interviews (Nov 17 & Nov 24)

The Fall interviews are an opportunity for a conversation with your child’s teacher who will share initial observations about your child’s academic profile as well as their social emotional development. We welcome your questions about your child and their progress at school and any information you may want to share that will help us to better understand your child and support their school experience.

Interviews are short - usually 20 minutes. Teachers are preparing to describe observations of progress to date and may share information from the specialty teachers. In addition to the classroom teacher, your interview time may include one or more of the following: MA intern, Special Ed teacher and/or Chriss or Richard. At the JICS Lab School, the classroom teachers work collaboratively with the admin team, the specialty teachers, the interns, and the Spec Ed teachers. We meet weekly to discuss the progress and needs of children. Students do not have to be identified on the Spec Ed Caseload to benefit from this shared building of understanding. Our Special Ed teachers spend much of their time in the classroom and offer supports to all children; they provide a long-term multi-year view of the progress and development of children.

Please note that the interviews are designed as an adult-only experience so that teachers and parents can speak frankly and openly about the child’s needs and strengths.

Although we set aside formal parent-teacher interview dates in the Fall and Spring, parent-teacher communication is continuous throughout the school year. We welcome and encourage open and honest conversations at any time so that we can work together to best support your child's learning and enjoyment of school.

Below are the links to sign up for your Fall interview with your child’s/children’s teachers. The dedicated interview dates are Wednesday, November 17 and Wednesday, November 24. Your child’s teacher may list other available days/times.

Parent Teacher Interviews Sign up Links

Junior Kindergarten:

Senior Kindergarten:


5. Remembrance Day at JICS

The students and teachers in SK to Gr 6 will gather online on Thursday, November 11 to recognize Remembrance Day under the leadership of the Grade 5 students and Grade 5 Teacher Zoe. The assembly will include songs of peace, a reading of “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae, and a minute of silence.


6. Parent Education Events

Building Inclusive and Equitable 'Bookshelves' with Rabia Khokar

November 23 | 7:00-8:30pm (Zoom)

Join teacher, Education and Equity Consultant and PhD student, Rabia Khokar for an interactive presentation entitled Building Inclusive and Equitable ‘Bookshelves’.

Books and stories play an important role in helping children become kind, empathetic, equitable and critically conscious members of their communities. Families can expose and share books with their children that help them affirm and expand their identities and lived experiences. In this interactive workshop, we will explore how books and stories are cornerstones of our communities and the important role they play in the lives of our children. We will critically consider through the process of content analysis how to select books that show authentic representation of intersectional identities and lived experiences. We will also learn easy, accessible, and daily activities we can do with books to help our children become critical thinkers.


COVID Vaccines for Kids

November 24 | 8:00pm (Zoom)

Our friends at The Mabin School are inviting us to join Sick Kids Hospital panelists: Dr. Ronald Cohn, President & CEO, Dr. Jeremy Friedman, Paediatrician-in-Chief, and Dr. Michelle Science, Infectious Disease Consultant discuss: COVID Vaccines for Kids. Moderated by Dr. Maya Goldenberg, author of "Vaccine Hesitancy Public Trust, Expertise, and the War on Science", it promises to be an informative session.

Sign up here to receive the Zoom link closer to the event.


7. Halloween

Enjoy the photos of our special day last week. The day was filled with goblins, ghosts, and other excitements. Thanks to JICS music teachers, Suzanne and Russell, for leading us in spooky songs at our outdoor assembly.


8. Upcoming November Events

Hindu Heritage Month

Thurs 4 – Diwali (5 Days of Celebration: Nov 2-6)

Tues 9 – Due date for JICS sibling registration for Nursery 2022-2023 (email coming soon)

Wed 10 – Due date for applications to Apple Financial for 2022-2023 tuition support

Thurs 11 – Remembrance Day

Fri 12 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare open for current daycare students.

Mon 15 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare open for current daycare students.

Wed 17 – Parent Teacher Interviews

Tues 23 – Parent Education Event 7:00-8:30 Building Inclusive and Equitable 'Bookshelves' (RSVP)

Wed 24 – Parent Teacher Interviews

Wed 24 – Parent Education Event 8:00 Covid Vaccines for Kids (Sign up here)

Tues 30 – Giving Tuesday


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