Topics covered in this post:
No School Friday and Monday
Math Morning - Parent Education Event
Parent Dance
Daycare Annual General Meeting
A Message from Tara
Upcoming February Events
1. No school Friday or Monday
Tomorrow, Friday, February 14 is our Midterm Holiday. Register for Daycare here.
Monday is Family Day. JICS School and Daycare are closed. We wish everyone a lovely holiday.
2. Math Morning - Parent Education Event
February 19, 8:30-10:00am
“Nurturing Mathematical Minds:An opportunity to find out more about how JICS teaches math and why!”
Join us as we present about our approach to teaching math up the grades at JICS.The morning will include a tour of selected classrooms and a Q&A with a panel of teachers.
Presenters: JICS faculty and administration
RSVP to attend

3. Parent Dance
Learn more about the history of the Patrick Harvie Arts Fund and ways it has enriched the arts at JICS here
Buy your tickets and/or make a donation to the PHA fundraiser here
“Bring Back the 90s Parent Party”
Who: JICS parents and faculty/staff
When: February 21, 8:00pm
Where: 25 Howland Ave
4. Daycare Annual General Meeting
When: Tuesday, February 25th, 5:00 – 5:45pm
Location: Room 120
Childcare will be provided, along with pizza dinner for children and all attendees.
Who: All JICS parents are invited. This is an opportunity to further the Daycare’s objectives of providing quality childcare and programming for JICS students. Your presence is important.
The purpose of the AGM:
Introduce the current Daycare Board and recruit new Board members for open Board positions
Present the Annual Report of the Board, which will highlight the work of the Board, strengths of the Daycare, and future goals of the Board for the Daycare
Review the year-end Financial Statements
Opportunity for informal discussion and questions
The Daycare Board is looking for new members. The Board of Directors role is to support the Daycare Supervisor in providing quality childcare, while ensuring fiscal responsibility. The Board meets once a month for 1.5 hours and childcare is provided. Workload between meetings is low. Should you be interested, or have any questions, please contact any Board member in person, or via ICSDaycareBoard@gmail.com
Please RSVP to Anne Marie at am.lopez@utoronto.ca by Monday February 24th.

5. A Message from Visual Arts Teacher, Tara
Hello JICS Families!
Here are some images from our three most recent class displays. Our annual Grade 5 wire sculptures are ready for viewing. As well, SKs have painted themselves and their favourite people, animals, and objects, inspired by the childhood of artist Jacob Lawrence. Our Grade 3 students are sharing an imagination exercise, where they found people and animals in abstract watercolour paintings.
We have many more displays on the way! Please look out for Grade 5 complementary palette studies, which will be in our main stairwell. Our JKs have completed colourful soft collage pieces. Our Grade 2s are completing textured portraits. Our Grade 3 students are addressing foreground, middle ground, and background, and our Grade 4 students have a large display just about ready to go in which they created assemblage from packing materials. These displays will be ready for community eyes in the next two weeks!
Best, Tara
Visual Arts Teacher
6. Upcoming February Events (Black History Month):
Fri 14 – Midterm Holiday (school closed, daycare open)
Mon 17 – Family Day (school and daycare closed)
Wed 19 – Parent Education: Math Morning 8:30-10:00am RSVP
Fri 21 – Gr 1-3 morning skate; Gr 4-6 afternoon skate (Bill Bolton Arena)
Fri 21 – Parent Dance (supporting enriching the arts at JICS – PHA Fund) 8:00-12:00pm Purchase tickets
Tues 25 – Daycare Annual General Meeting 5:00-5:45am (All parents invited – free babysitting) RSVP