Dear Parents,
Join us at the school on Tuesday evening, to meet experts from Earth Day Canada who are helping us to implement the OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) program on our playground.
Many parents may have questions about all the loose parts they are seeing the children play with on the yard, and this is the time to ask them!
Parents might be wondering:
What are all these messy, loose materials doing on the yard?
Some of this new play looks risky – how are the teachers monitoring for safety?
What are the intentions, philosophy, and research behind the OPAL movement?
On May 21st at 7pm, parents will hear from Brenda Simon, the Director of Play Programs, and Ann Cummings, our OPAL mentor, about this amazing project. OPAL is working in over 25 schools across the TDSB and TCDSB, and we are very excited to collaborate with them as their first independent partner school!
Register HERE for babysitting - please note that the deadline to register for free babysitting has been extended until Monday!!
More information about OPAL here: https://earthday.ca/earthplay/schoolplay/
OPAL in the news! https://earthday.ca/making_headlines/
Please email Chriss with any questions that you would like to be addressed: chriss.bogert@utoronto.ca
See you Tuesday!