JICS at a Glance
We've condensed the important highlights for your convenience:
Parents' Association 'All Parents' Zoom Meeting- Zoom link here
Grandpals Day - Friday, May 10th, 2:00-3:30 pm, Register Here
Volunteer for Grandpals Day - Contact Richard here
JICS Movie Night in Celebration of Asian Heritage Month - Thursday, May 16, 3:45-5:45 pm, Register Here
Topics covered in this post:
1. Parents' Association 'All Parents' Zoom Meeting
Monday, May 6, 7:00-8:00pm
Dear JICS Parents,
Please join us for our spring All Parents PA meeting, this coming Monday, May 6th, online from 7pm- 8pm. Here is our tentative agenda:
Review of new fundraising model: accomplishments and places for growth
Budget review
Hot lunch program
Anticipated openings on the PA for 2024/2025 school year
Updates from Chriss and Richard
Any news from the community and/or classrooms that you would like to share
You can join our meeting here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 6140 4500
We look forward to seeing you on May 6th!
2. Grandpals Day
Get ready for a heartwarming afternoon at JICS Parents Association's upcoming GrandPals Day on May 10th, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm! This special event, organized by the JICS Parents’ Association is a perfect opportunity for GrandPals, or another family friend or relative, to join us at the JICS Lab School for quality time with their grandchild(ren).
Here's what you need to know:
GrandPals Day is all about creating cherished memories, exploring our school, and bonding over refreshments and snacks. Principal Richard Messina will kick off the event at 2:00pm with a warm welcome in the Gymnasium. From there, GrandPals will have the chance to spend time with their grandchild(ren) in their classroom(s), participate in activities, and tour our wonderful school and new playground. Nursery children who attend afternoon daycare and their Grandpals are welcome to take part!
Parents, if you think your GrandPal(s) would be interested, please register them HERE or feel free to forward this email. Kindly RSVP by May 5th to ensure we can accommodate everyone.
If you have any questions about GrandPals Day, feel free to reach out to Richard (Richard.messina@utoronto.ca).
3. Parent Volunteers for Grandpals Day
We need parent volunteers to help guide our guests and serve refreshments. Please contact Richard ASAP if you are available on Friday, May 10 from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
4. Chriss Bogert Awarded Distinguished Service Award
As you know, Chriss Bogert, Zoe Donoahue, Tara Rousseau, Krista Spence, and Richard Messina represented the JICS Lab School at the 2024 International Association of Lab Schools (IALS) Annual Conference: Celebrating Collaborative Research in Laboratory Schools hosted by Burris Lab School, Muncie, Indiana. A moment of immense pride occurred during the conference when Chriss was presented with the Mary Jane Taylor Distinguished Service Award. This esteemed recognition highlights Chriss' leadership in the IALS Collaborative Research Project, particularly her dedication to amplifying children's voices in research—an endeavor that we believe will significantly influence research practices globally. Chriss' efforts in welcoming new IALS members to the collaborative research group, offering guidance to those unfamiliar with research methodologies, further showcase her invaluable contributions to the IALS community. And on July 1, she will be the IALS Board President!

5. Tara Rousseau - Co-Chair of the Ontario Art Education Association
Tara, our art teacher, is excited to share that she has just begun the first of a two-year term as Co-Chair of the Ontario Art Education Association (OAEA). As Chair, she will have the opportunity to connect with the Ontario Teacher’s Federation Curriculum Forum and the Ministry of Education reviewing Arts curriculum and teachers’ additional qualifications (AQs). OAEA is in the process of developing and offering curriculum resources to art educators throughout the province.
6. JICS Movie Night in Celebration of Asian Heritage Month
Thursday, May 16th, 3:45-5:30 pm
JICS Gymnasium

To celebrate Asian Heritage Month, all JICS families are invited to join us for a movie night on Thursday, May 16th from 3:45-5:30 pm in the JICS gymnasium. We will be watching the movie Elemental.
Elemental is an animated film directed by Philip Sohn. On the surface it is a fun, colourful film about the unlikely love between two opposite elements. However, at its core it is an immigrant story that speaks to the universal immigrant experience of making a new life in a new place, and grappling with balancing responsibility to your family and culture while remaining true to yourself.
Here is a link to the documentary about his directing journey and the creation of Elemental (you will need a Disney+ subscription to watch):
Children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver (children in daycare can attend with daycare staff). We welcome all family members to attend! Reusable water bottles encouraged. A timeline of the event is below:
3:30 pm: Caregivers pick-up children from school
3:30-3:45 pm: Families welcomed into the servery area for a nut-free snack
3:45 pm: Movie begins in the gymnasium
5:30 pm: Movie ends
To attend, please register below (daycare children are not required to register unless attending with a caregiver).
7. Kids Who Care Club: Collecting School Supplies for the Christie Street Refugee Welcome Centre
Dear JICS parents,
We are the JICS Kids Who Care club. We are currently running an initiative to collect school supplies for the Christie Street Refugee Welcome Centre, or the CRWC. The CRWC uses these school supplies to give to children staying with them who had to escape dangerous situations without their belongings, to set them up for success when they go to school here. We will accept anything on this list in as large or small quantities as you can give.

Items to donate (only new products please):

Sets of pens
Glue sticks
Sets of coloured markers
Sets of crayons
Sets of coloured pencils
Pencil sharpeners
Lined notebooks
Pencil cases
Lunch bags
Water bottles
Padlocks (for student lockers)
Geometry sets
Correction tape (whiteout)
Lined paper
Thank you for reading this. You can put your donations in the reception of the Walmer Road entrance. Delivery will be in early June. We hope that you can donate!
The Kids Who Care Club
8. Parent Education - Thrive Together: Fostering Mental Wellness in Black Youth
May 14, 6:30-8:30
Medical Science Building, 1 King’s College Circle, UofT, Room 3154
The goal of the annual Black Mental Health Series organized by University of Toronto’s Black Medical Student's Association (BMSA) is to engage community members in topics regarding mental health in Black youth. BMSA will explore current problems faced by Black youth with a focus on breaking the stigma around mental health. The event will feature Dr. Onye Nnorom a Public Health Specialist, Tiyondah Fante-Coleman a researcher at Black Health Alliance, Donna Alexander a Social Woker at CAMH, and Dr. Akwatu Khenti a Professor at Dalla Lana. This event is open to everyone! It will be held at the Medical Science Building Rm 3154, UofT.
9. Hot Dog Night - Thursday, June 6th

Save the date! The JICS annual Hot Dog Night will take place on Thursday, June 6th from 6:00-8:00pm in the school yard.
10. Spring is Here! Photos from the Week
11. Upcoming May Events
Asian Heritage Month
Fri 3 – Good Friday (Orthodox)
Sun 5 – Easter (Orthodox)
Mon 6 – Parents’ Association “All Parents” Zoom Meeting Here
Tues 7 – JICS Robbie Case Memorial Lecture at JICS 7:00-8:30pm RSVP Here
Fri 10 – Grandpals Day 2:00-3:30pm RSVP Here
Thur 16 – Track and Field Meet at Birchmount Stadium
Thur 16 - JICS Movie Night in Celebration of Asian Heritage Month - Register Here
Mon 20 – Victoria Day. School and Daycare closed.
Thur 23 – Art & Music Night (Details coming soon)
Tues 28 – Parents of BIPOC Children Meeting (Details coming soon)
Wed 29 – Games Day (rain date May 30)