Topics covered in this post:

Parent Education Event - Tonight!
Travel during Winter Break
Nursery Open House
Black History Month
Lunar New Year - call for volunteers
Parent Education
Photos of Distance Education
Upcoming January Events
Upcoming February Events
1. Parent Education Event - Tonight!
Powering down, a digital fog, or igniting curiosity? Ways to support children's use of technology
When: Tonight (January 21) at 7:00pm
What: Parent Education session on technology, social media, and child development with Dr. Alexandra Makos, OISE, UofT.
RSVP: events page.
For more information on this topic, read these articles:
2. Travel during Winter Break
Families who have travelled out of province or internationally in December or January are required to complete the JICS travel form.
Please ensure that you are following the required protocols for safe travel as well as a safe return if you have travelled. Note that teachers do not prepare work material or engage in hybrid learning for students if their absence is related to post-travel isolation TPH requirements.
3. Nursery Open House
We held our first ever online Nursery Open House this morning. The invited families from the application waitlist learned about the Nursery Program, the Lab School and its philosophy and mission, and our licensed daycare before going on a “virtual tour”. Thank you to current JICS parents for being ambassadors of the Lab School and promoting the work we do to friends and family! The Admission Team is meeting with applicants for the 14 available Nursery spots and any spots that are now open JK to Grade 6.
4. Black History Month
Each year in February, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy and achievements of Black Canadians, past and present. At JICS, we learn about and celebrate Black History Month developmentally through the grades and at whole-school events such as assemblies with members of the community. We also integrate the learning and celebrations into our Library, Music, and Visual Arts specialty classes. We invite parents to suggest ways to help our students gain insight into the experience of Black Canadians and their vital role in the community. Please be in touch with your child’s teachers with ideas.
5. Lunar New Year - call for volunteers
Friday, February 12 is Lunar New Year, the joyous festival celebrated in many Asian countries that begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later. We are asking for parent volunteers to help us celebrate and learn. Please contact your child’s teachers.
6. Parent Education
The Mabin School is hosting Dr. Alex Russell (co-author of “Drop the Worry Ball: Parenting in the Age of Entitlement”) on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 8:00 pm: “Keeping Them Safe While Helping Them Grow: Supporting Children’s Emotional Growth in Challenging Times”. JICS parents are invited to attend. You can sign up here. Zoom details will be provided closer to the date.
7. Photos of Distance Education
Send Tory ( a photo or two of your child/children learning from home and/or enjoying a “recess break” to include in next week’s post. Here are some photos of distance education JK to Grade 6.
Photos of Nursery students in the building:
8. Upcoming January Events
Thurs 21 – Parent Education Event (Children's Use of Technology). 7:00-8:30 RSVP
Thurs 21 – Nursery 2021-2022 Virtual Open House
Fri 22 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)
Mon 25 – Parents’ Association General Meeting. 6:00-7:30pm
Fri 29 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)
9. Upcoming February Events
Fri 5 – CANCELLED Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am
Fri 12 – Midterm Holiday – No school: Nursery to Grade 6
Fri 12 – Lunar New Year
Mon 15 – Family Day – No school: Nursery to Grade 6
Fri 19 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)
Tues 23 – Daycare Annual General Meeting. 6:00pm
Fri 26 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)