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Curriculum Night details, Terry Fox Run

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

JICS at a Glance

We've condensed the important highlights for your convenience:

  • Photo Day is Monday September 16 - Dress in bright/vibrant colours!

  • Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 18, 6:00-8:00PM (details below)

  • Bring "a toonie for Terry" or donate below! Parents welcome to join us Friday, September 20 for the Terry Fox Run

  • RSVP for the September Social

JICS big group photo of students and staff

Topics covered in this post:

(Click to navigate straight to a section)


1. All Weather Play

children on a rainy day

Children play outside in all-weather at JICS (including light rain, snowy days, and cold conditions). Please send your child with outdoor clothing appropriate to weather conditions. 

“There is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!” 

Please also send your child with indoor shoes so that we are not tracking mud and dust into the classroom spaces and the carpets they lay on. 


2. Photo Day - Say Cheese!

Monday, September 16

On Monday, individual and class photos will be taken and to capture those wonderful smiles, we suggest that children come dressed in bright and vibrant colours. Every child will receive a unique online code which parents can use to view their child's photos and place orders. Once the orders are placed, the photos will be conveniently distributed to the children right here at school when they arrive. 


3. Curriculum Night

Wednesday, September 18, 6:00-8:00 PM

We are looking forward to seeing all JICS Parents at Curriculum Night on Wednesday. This is a special and important evening designed for you to learn all about the exciting year ahead for your child. Our teachers have thoughtfully prepared to share what your child’s class will be exploring, learning, and accomplishing this year. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the curriculum and teaching methods. While this event isn’t meant for individual parent-teacher conferences (those will be held on November 6th and 8th), it will give you a comprehensive look at what is in store for your child, the teachers they will be learning from, and the expectations for their grade level. 

What to Expect: The evening will begin with entry through 45 Walmer Road, starting at 5:45 PM. Below is the schedule to guide you through the night. 

6:00 PM – 6:45 PM:

  • Curriculum presentations for parents of children in Nursery, JK, SK, Grades 1 & 2. (Please note that these presentations will start promptly at 6:00 PM, so we encourage you to arrive on time.) 

6:50 PM – 7:05 PM:

  • All parents will gather in the school gym for a warm welcome and introductions of classroom and specialty teachers. 

7:10 PM – 7:55 PM:

  • Curriculum presentations for parents of children in Grades 3, 4, 5, & 6





6:00pm (sharp) - 6:45pm (sharp)

Individual Grade Curriculum

Nursery, JK, SK, Grade 1, Grade 2

Classrooms of: Nursery, JK, SK, Grade 1, Grade 2


Welcome, Introductions of Staff

All Grades


7:10pm (sharp) - 7:55pm (sharp)

Individual Grade Curriculum

Grade 3, Grade 4/5 Robin, Grade 4/5 Zoe, Grade 6

Classrooms of: Grade 3, Grade 4/5 Robin, Grade 4/5 Zoe, Grade 6

Specialty Classes: Curious about subjects like French, Visual Arts, Drama, Phys Ed, Special Ed, Library, Music, STEM, and Land-Based Education? During Curriculum Night, a specialty teacher will join one of the classroom teachers to give a brief overview of their program. Plus, all specialty teachers will be introduced in the gym at 6:50 PM. A more detailed look at the specialty classes will also be included in next week’s POST. 


As this is an adults-only event, please note that we are unfortunately unable to provide babysitting services. 


4. Terry Fox Run

Friday, September 20

Poster made by child for Terry Fox

On Friday, Michael and the Grade 3 students are organizing a school assembly and an opportunity for each class (JK to Grade 6) to participate in the Terry Fox Run at Jean Sibelius Park on Kendal Avenue. Beautiful posters made by the students are throughout the school! The run will take place with a departure from the school at approximately 9:15am and we invite all parents to take part to cheer us on. 


Each year, we ask everyone to bring “a toonie for Terry” or more to donate to cancer research. You can also donate directly to the Terry Fox Foundation “The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study” Donation Page

Poster for September Social

5. September Social

Thursday, September 26, 6:00-8:00 PM

Free babysitting for JICS students 

Entrance from 45 Walmer Road 

We are excited about our first school year event to kickstart our journey towards building our vibrant community. Thank you to those who have registered and to the PA Exec for your thoughtful planning. 


6. National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

We will be honouring National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. More information will be shared in next week’s POST.   


If you are thinking of purchasing an orange shirt for this day, please ensure that your money goes toward Indigenous businesses and artists. 


The Cedar Basket Gift Shop, located just south of the school at the Native Canadian Center of Toronto, at 16 Spadina Road, has an online shop where orders can be placed. They have youth and adult sizes of the ‘Every Child Matters’ T-shirts  


We look forward to seeing a sea of Orange on September 30, honouring the truth and supporting residential school survivors and their families. 

Every Child Matters flag

Upcoming September Events

Fri 13 – School-wide lice check. Thank you to the Parents’ Association!

Mon 16 – Photo Day

Mon 16 to Fri 20 – JICS Safety Practice Week (fire drill, lock-down drill)

Wed 18 – Curriculum Night 6:00-8:00pm

Fri 20 – Terry Fox Run. JK to Gr 6

Tues 24 to Fri 27 – Grade 6 Trip to Camp Arowhon (Alive Outdoors)

Tues 24 – 2:30pm Official Opening of JICS Playground Celebrations. Parents welcome! Reception to follow. RVSP 

Wed 25 – Meeting of Parents of BIPOC Children

Wed 25 – Rowan’s Day (Concussion Awareness)

Thur 26 – NEW DATE for JICS “All Parents & Teachers” September Social in gym 6:00-8:00pm. RSVP

Mon 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day. School assembly.


Photos from the week!




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