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Arrival, Halloween, Parent/Teacher Interviews

Topics covered in this post:

  1. Happy Diwali

  2. Morning Arrival

  3. Parents’ Association Meeting and Student Well-Being Presentation

  4. Halloween

  5. Halloween Candy


  7. Parent/Teacher Interview sign-up

  8. Trash Team Message

  9. Harry Potter Day – Thanks

  10. Upcoming October Events

  11. Upcoming November Events


1. Happy Diwali

We are so fortunate to have a beautifully diverse community at JICS! Growing and learning among individuals who share divergent life stories and appreciating their cultures is an invaluable aspect of a true education. This morning, the children were greeted with colourful decorations, diyas, and a welcoming flower-petal rangoli thanks to a team of parents who arrived extra early (7:00am!) to prepare the school. At the assembly in the gym, three lovely dances by children in Nursery to Grade 6 were performed. Many saris and kurtas swayed to the music as we all enjoyed a dance lesson before lighting a brass lamp for this important “festival of lights”. Sweet and savory treats were generously provided by the Sreenivasan-Shivaprasad family. A huge thank you to JICS parent, Saumya Gautam, for her incredible leadership and to her team: Indira, Asma, and Susan!


2. Morning Arrival

Please ensure that children arrive at school dressed for the weather. The playground is supervised from 8:30 to 8:45 a.m. every morning in all weather conditions.

Please never park in our kiss-and-ride zone between 8:30 and 8:45 as it compromises the safety of arriving children.

Please arrive on time. The beginning of each school day is an important time for your child. There is strong evidence of academic, social, and emotional benefits for those students who are in the classroom as the day begins.


3. Parents’ Association Meeting and Student Well-Being Presentation

Hello JICS Families,

All JICS parents are encouraged to attend the first PA meeting of the year on Monday, October 28, 6:00pm in Room 363. This is your opportunity to learn about the PA financials, this year’s PA goals, fundraising efforts, and a report from Principal, Richard Messina which will include information about UofT’s new 2020-2021 JICS tuition payment schedule.

Following the PA Parent Meeting, join us for the Parent Education Event: Student Well-Being with JICS French and Wellness teacher, Christel Durand and JICS Social Worker, Laura Gordin 7:00-8:30pm in Room 363. Learn about what JICS is doing to improve student mental health, why this is important, and what you can do.

Babysitting provided from 6:00pm RVSP


4. Halloween at JICS

We are pleased to invite you to join us for our JK to Grade 6 Halloween costume parade at 9:00am on Thursday, October 31. Nursery children have a full morning of activities planned in their classroom!

All children are invited to wear costumes and school doors will open at 8:45 am so that they can drop off school bags before the start of the parade. If they require help with their costume, that will be available. We will then proceed into the playground after attendance is taken. The children so enjoy an audience of their friends, parents, teachers, and staff. All classes will gather on or near the benches by the sandbox and we will call one class at a time to showcase their costumes.

Following the costume showcase parade, students and teachers will head to the lunchroom for our Halloween assembly, which will include songs with our Music Teachers, Suzanne Schwenger and Russell Hersen. Once all the classes are in the lunchroom, the space is completely filled with goblins, magical creatures, and other excitements, and we are sorry that we do not have room for parents at this assembly.


5. Halloween Candy

With Halloween and the winter holidays fast approaching, we wanted to share with you ways that can help make our school a safe and more inclusive place for students with food allergies. We prefer that students do not eat candy while at school. At JICS, we avoid sweet treats in all classrooms, preferring wholesome snacks whenever possible. However, there is a place for sweets in our diets and parents may choose to occasionally pack individual portions in student lunches or snacks from home. Students are not permitted to share candy, treats, or gum with others. In preparing your child’s lunch and snack, please be certain that all ingredients listed are free of nuts and nut warnings.



The Grade 6 students are hoping to reach the goal of raising $1500 in support of children around the world. You can donate online or you can send cash with your child to be collected in a box in each classroom until Halloween. Thank you for your help!


7. Parent Teacher Interviews

Below are the links to sign up for your interview with your child’s/children’s teacher/s. The interview dates are Wednesdays, November 13 and Wednesday, November 20.


8. Trash Team Message

Dear Jackman ICS Families,

We are in full swing of Waste Reduction Week at school. In the national campaign, each day this week is targeted towards a different topic related to reducing waste (textiles, food waste,

etc.). The Trash Team decided that as a school we will be focusing on ways to reduce our single-use plastic. We have been monitoring all week what has been coming in lunches and there has been no garbage/recycling available, so you also know what has been coming back home!

We have a couple tips for you this week:

The City of Toronto is seeking feedback on how to reduce specific single-use items. The survey is available until November 4th. Click on this link to participate and add your voice to the conversation:

Halloween is just around the corner! You may want to consider a few tips that will help make this Halloween a greener one:

  1. Consider using old costumes to make something new this year or using/purchasing a secondhand costume. You may even want to consider swapping costumes with family or friends – this can be a new tradition!

  2. If handing out treats, consider the packaging of the treats to reduce waste. Opt for cardboard, paper, or foil wrappers. There are programs that collect that waste. Bring your waste to school, we will have a Terracycle bin available to collect and properly recycle wrappers.

  3. For our trick-or-treaters, consider using a cloth bag vs. a plastic container

Sustainably yours,

JICS Trash Team


9. Harry Potter Day - Thanks

On behalf of all JICS wizards and muggles, I want to thank Paige, our receptionist, for creating a magical experience for young and old on Harry Potter Day – October 22! With help from Tory and other JICS staff, the building was transformed into Hogwarts with a wonderful surprise at every corner of the building. The decorations will be on display until Halloween. We want to thank, Principal-for-the-Day, Sarah, for her wonderful idea of having a Harry Potter Day at JICS, for her yummy treats, and for the extended recesses!

Yours truly,

Prof. Dumbledore

Enjoy some photos below!


10. Upcoming October Events:

Sun 27 – Happy Diwali to all!

Mon 28 – PA General Meeting 6:00-7:00pm & Parent Ed Presentation on Student Well-Being by JICS French and Wellness teacher, Christel Durand and JICS Social Worker, Laura Gordin 7:00-8:30pm. Babysitting provided, RVSP

Thurs 31 – Halloween parade & last day of Block 1 Teacher-Candidate Practicum Placement in JK-Gr 6 classes


11. Upcoming November Events:

Tues 5 – Dean’s Advisory Board for the Lab School with parent representatives: Nadia Thomas and Hasina Lookman

Thurs 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly

Fri 8 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare Open. Register here

Mon 11 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare Open (Register). Remembrance Day

Tues 12 – Block 2 teacher-candidate placements begin in JK to Gr 6

Wed 13 – Parent/Teacher Interviews

Wed 20 – Parent/Teacher Interviews

Fri 29 – Last Day with Fall Intern




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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