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ICS After School Daycare
Program Information 2024-2025

Health & Safety

In the context of the ongoing pandemic, the Daycare is committed to ensuring a safe and engaging childcare experience.  All policies and plans have been developed in close partnership with the Lab School and in adherence with Public Health and Ministry of Education guidelines.


Daycare Programs

Before School Care
7:45am - 8:45am daily

After School Care
3:30pm - 6:00pm daily


Creative Play Program(JK and SK only)
12:00pm - 3:00pm (Wednesday) 


Nursery Care (for Nursery students)

11:45am - 3:30pm OR 11:45am - 6:00pm

Full-Time childcare users

Full-time childcare users are billed for each day that school is in session in a given month. Refer to the Fees Information page for details.


Part-Time childcare users

Part-time childcare users must select which scheduled days they will be using Childcare.  They will be billed for scheduled days that school is in session in a given month. Families must maintain a consistent weekly schedule; should this need to change, please contact the Daycare Supervisor to discuss. Refer to the Fees Information page for details.


FLEX childcare users

Children will need to be registered in advance with a Daycare profile to use childcare services.  Flex care allows use of the daycare on an as needed basis, however requires minimum one day notice by email and confirmation by the Daycare Supervisor.  Classroom teachers must also be advised that the child will be in daycare on that date.  Flex care users are billed at end of month based on use. Refer to the Fees Information page for details.


Creative Play Program for JK and SK (Wednesdays)

On Wednesdays after noon dismissal, JK and SK students can join the Creative Play Program, from 12:00 - 3:00pm.  Following lunch, children will engage in a variety of activities and projects including art-making, craft, cooking or games.  This will be followed by outdoor time for play. 


PD Days and March Break

Should the Daycare be able to safely provide PD Day and/or March Break childcare that meets all Lab School, Public Health, and Ministry of Education guidelines, families will be advised accordingly with as much advance notice as possible.


Closures & Late Pick-Ups

The Daycare is closed for all statutory holidays and during the periods the school building is closed. The Daycare closes each day at 6:00 pm and parents are expected to arrive on time to pick up their child(ren). The Daycare has a late pickup policy; refer to the Fees Information page for details.



Registration with our online software system (Procare) is required for the use of all programs. Families are welcome to contact the Daycare Supervisor should they wish to register for Daycare at any point in the school year.

New and returning Daycare users can access Procare registration on our homepage!



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