Topics covered in this post:

1. School Forms & Summer Communications
Today you will receive an email from the school office requiring each family to complete the 2023-2024 School Forms Online. We ask that you complete the forms by June 30, 2023 so that Shama can share the important information with your child’s teacher.
Late summer, an email will be sent to all families with information from the Parents’ Association, Wednesday Afternoon Program, the hot lunch provider, and additional SFO forms and school information. Each classroom teacher will also write to you for an update on your child before the start of the school year. Please don't hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions at all.
2. Spring Term Newsletter and Staff Video
We invite you to share the Spring JICS Lab School Newsletter! with your child if you haven’t had a chance. This is an opportunity to “peak into” the rest of the school and learn about experiences that you may not know about. Use the password provided in the Weekly Info email to access the newsletter. JICS Staff Video for Grads
The teachers and staff surprised the Grade 6 students with this funny video at their graduation ceremony. We have received many requests to share the link so that children can watch it again. Thank you, Nick for producing, writing, casting, directing, filming, and editing the film! JICS STAFF VIDEO FOR 2023 GRADS
3. Report Cards
Report cards are posted online and available to download as a PDF now!
Log into your SFO account ( to download. Report cards are available on your account temporarily, so you must download them and save copies in a safe place. Should you require a printed copy or a digital copy of a past report card, please reach out to the School Office.
Download Instructions:
Go to: and log into your SFO Account
Click on FAM Access Module (menu bar, top left)
Click on your child’s name under Academic Year 2022-2023
Go to Grade Reports
Download Fall and Spring reports as a PDF
Save in a safe place
4. Thank you PA!
The Parents Association arranged for Deepta to facilitate a tea tasting for the staff on Thursday morning this week. It was amazing to learn about the history and varieties of tea, the process in steeping tea, and the differences in the flavour profiles in tea. Thank you so much to the Parents Association for this special experience!
5. Photos from the Week at JICS
6. Upcoming June Events
Canada's National Indigenous History Month & World Pride Month
Mon 19 to Thur 29 – Daycare June Camp
Thurs 22 – Report Cards posted online
Fri 30 – UofT President’s Day (all UofT closed, including JICS building)