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Purim, JICS Read-a-thon, March Break Camp, Photos, and so much more!

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

Topics covered in this post:

Grade 3 class at the High Park Curling Club
Grade 3 Trip to the High Park Curling Club – Engaging with Forces and Motion

1. Purim

March 6 to 7

chag Purim sameach

May this Purim bring fun, laughter, and celebration to your life!


2. JICS Read-a-thon

March 1 – April 14, 2023

March is a special month for the JICS Library! This year marks the 29th annual READ-A-THON Fundraiser! Read-a-thon forms were sent home this week. Students are encouraged to set personal reading goals, read each day, and collect pledges for their efforts. Funds collected at the end of the month will go toward replacing lost and broken books, purchasing new books, and supporting authors, illustrators and storytellers to visit with students.

We are so grateful to our supportive community! Donations of $25 or more will be rewarded with a personalized book plate placed in a new library book.

Additional information for parents:

Online donations:


3. Parent Education – Lunch and Learn with Ellie New: postponed to after March Break, look for a new date in next week's post

Supporting Your Child through Transitions – Daily or Seasonal, Predictable or Unpredictable

Poster for JICS Lunch and Learn

Supporting Your Child through Transitions – Daily or Seasonal, Predictable or Unpredictable

Lunch & Learn Series with JICS Social Worker Ellie Lathrop

Change can be hard at the best of times. Children's school lives are filled with transitions, and then there are the daily routines, and ones connected to time of year. These can be tricky times to navigate. Join us for the JICS Lunch and Learn, 30 min talk (recorded) and 30 min (unrecorded) discussion and questions.


4. March Break Camp at JICS

Monday, March 20, 2023 – Friday, March 24, 2023

March Break Camp Poster

The ICS Daycare have planned a wonderful week of engaging activities for the children! We will have daily arts and crafts, outdoor sports and indoor games and fun things to do. We are offering March Break Camp to all of the JICS Children.

We are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily. Two snacks are offered and parents will need to provide lunch.

The cost is: $325.00 for the week. No partial week is available.

If interested, please indicate by emailing us at, and use subject line “CAMP.”


5. Wednesday Afternoon Program: Registration Open

Registration is now open for The Spring Term Wednesday Program! The Spring Term begins following March Break. It runs from Wednesday, March 29, 2023 until Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

The final day of the Winter Term Wednesday Afternoon Program is Wednesday, March 8.

The Wednesday Program is committed to providing a spot for all children who wish to register, but we cannot guarantee each child their first choice. All inquiries should be directed to Sarah at

Cheques are due to Shama in the School Office after completing registration by Wednesday, March 8, 2023.


6. Ukraine

It has been one year since we wrote to the JICS community about the situation in Ukraine about our hopes that the senseless acts of violence against the people in Ukraine would come to an immediate end. We must continue to keep the brave people of Ukraine in our thoughts and prayers. Many JICS families have deep connections to Ukraine and have been profoundly affected by these events. JICS stands with members of the Ukrainian community in Canada and express solidarity to the people in Ukraine.


7. Visitors from Kobe Shinwa University

This week we welcomed six psychology students and their professor from Kobe Shinwa University in Kobe, Japan to visit the Lab School and learn about our approach to supporting the education and development of young children. The students visited many classrooms and engaged in discussions with Lab School teachers and staff.

Enjoy these photos showing the Grade Twos being treated to exciting lessons in Japanese calligraphy and origami art by our lovely Kobe Shinwa visitors.


8. Overnight Trip for Grade 4/5s to Camp Pinecrest

The Grade 4 and 5 students had a great time at Camp Pinecrest. Here is a link to our twitter account to see some photos of the 3-day trip: Thanks to Ben, Zoe, Krista, Judith, and Walker for taking time away from their families and loved ones to provide this amazing learning experience for our students. We are delighted that overnight trips are back at JICS!


9. Photos from the Week at JICS

Grade 3 Trip to the High Park Curling Club

This week the Grade 3 Class visited the High Park Curling Club. It was a fantastic day! This trip was part of their unit on Forces and Motion. After setting up mini-curling rinks in the classroom to explore and experiment with forces, friction, movement and inertia, it was time for the Grade 3s to try their hand at curling on ice. It was so fun to get to curl and to explore the physics at play. The Grade 3s return to class eager to unpack the forces at play on ice!

A big thanks to student teachers Michelle and Katelyn for helping make this trip possible!


🏀Grade 5 + 6 Basketball Game vs Mabin at JICS🏀

Last week, JICS played Mabin in a friendly basketball game at JICS. In front of the adoring home crowds, the JICS Jets (of nearly 20 Grade 5 + 6 students) played a fantastic game and emerged victorious. The game was a showcase for the incredible growth in skills and tactics of all players. The Jets displayed such supportive teamwork and represented the school in an amazing way. The Jets will play a rematch at Mabin next week!


A Medley of Other Photos


10. Upcoming March Events

Wed 1 – Research Night at JICS. 5:30-7:30pm. (Event Details and Registration here)

Wed 1 to Fri 3 – Grade 4/5 trip to Pinecrest Camp

Mon 6 to Tues 7 - Purim (begins at sunset on Mon 6)

Tues 7 – 12:30-1:30pm Lunch & Learn with Ellie (Register here) POSTPONED

Wed 8 – International Women’s Day

Mon 13 to Fri 17 – March Break (School and Daycare closed)

Mon 20 to Fri 24 – March Break (School closed. Daycare camp open)

Mon 20 – Nowruz (Persian New Year)

Wed 22 to Apr 30 – Ramadan (begins on Wed 22 at sunset)

Mon 27 – Spring Term begins (Daycare opens at 7:45am. School opens at 8:35am)

Wed 29 – Wednesday Program's Spring Term begins (Information here)

Thur 30 – School-wide lice check (Thank you, Parents’ Association!)




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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