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Parent Teacher Interviews RESCHEDULED, Distance Education

Topics covered in this post:

  1. Distance-Education Continues on Monday, April 18

  2. Parent Teacher Interviews RESCHEDULED

  3. Read-A-Thon

  4. Upcoming April Events


1. Distance-Education Continues Monday, April 18

While we were looking forward to seeing everyone in person on Monday, we will have to do that from a screen. Following the Spring Break, JK to Grade 6 students will engage in distance education as per the ministerial order. Grade teachers will communicate with parent cohorts regarding details. The Nursery Program and Nursery Afternoon- and Afterschool-Daycare will continue with in-person learning in the school building.

Although we have not been given an end date for the school closures, we are confident that we will return to in-person learning due to renewed restrictions across Ontario and the increased understanding of how vitally important in-person learning is to the wellbeing of young children.

Schools in and of themselves are safe and certainly the JICS Lab School has proven to be. That said, our success continues to rely on a combination of factors including abiding by restrictions, maintaining vigilance to locally and provincially enforced safeguards. Our health and safety protocols have demonstrated a high level of integrity and we know that each of us continues to do all we can to keep ourselves and those around us safe and healthy. That said, we understand there are schools with cases of COVID-19 that have done everything "right". There are no guarantees and that feels terribly unsettling.

We fully recognize that last minute changes are very disruptive to your lives, particularly our working parents and those with the youngest children. Parents are encouraged to prepare themselves mentally, emotionally, and professionally for a stretch of remote learning. Please be in touch with us (your child’s teachers, Ellie, the Special Ed team, Chriss, Richard) if you need help.

At the JICS Lab School, we remain committed to providing a caring environment (online and in-person) that challenges each child to think independently, to use their natural curiosity to investigate themselves and their world, to develop important skills, and to construct knowledge with others that is of value to themselves and to their community.

We thank JICS students, parents, teachers, and staff for your support and commitment to demonstrating what is possible when we all work together.


2. Parent Teacher Interviews RESCHEDULED

We are postponing the parent teacher interviews (JK to Grade 6) scheduled for April 21 to Wednesday, May 5. Interviews scheduled for April 28 will proceed as planned.

If you signed up for a time slot next week, you will need to rebook for a new time.

Nursery interviews will proceed as booked on April 21 and April 28.

If you need to sign up or rebook your interview, here are the links:

The Spring interview is an opportunity for a conversation with your child’s teachers (Homeroom and Team Teacher) who will share observations about your child’s academic profile as well as their social emotional development.

Interviews are short - usually 20 minutes. In addition to the two Grade Teachers, your interview may include one or more of the following: MA intern, Special Ed teacher and/or Chriss or Richard. At the JICS Lab School, the classroom teachers work collaboratively with the admin team, the specialty teachers, the interns, and the Spec Ed teachers. We meet weekly to discuss the progress and needs of children. Students do not have to be identified on the Spec Ed Caseload to benefit from the help of our Special Ed team. Our Special Ed teachers spend much of their time in the classroom and offer supports to all children; they provide a long-term multi-year view of the progress and development of children.

We ask that your child and their siblings not be present for the interview to permit an open and honest conversation and we thank you for making the necessary care preparations.


3. Read-A-Thon

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support of this year’s JICS Library fundraiser. We have raised $5461.65!


4. Upcoming April Events

Mon 12 to Fri 16 – Spring Break. School closed

April 12 to May 11 – Ramadan

Wed 14 – International Day of Pink (Assembly/School Celebration Date TBD)

Mon 19 to Fri 23 – Earth Week

Wed 21 – Parent Teacher Interviews PM – POSTPONED to May 5

Fri 23 – Parent Information Post Talks 9:30 - 10:00am (Zoom link)

Tues 27 – Daycare Annual General Meeting 5:30pm

Wed 28 – Parent Teacher Interviews PM

Fri 30 – Parent Information Post Talks 9:30 - 10:00am (Zoom link)

Fri 30 – 2021-2022 Tuition Payment Due Date (second non-refundable payment representing 50% of the balance)

Nursery Tuition is $16,807. 50% balance = $5904 (non-refundable)

Full Day (JK to Grade 6) Tuition is $26,114. 50% balance = $10 557 (non-refundable)





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