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Rosh Hashanah, Tuition Payments & Support, Curriculum Night, Global Climate Strike

Topics covered in this blog post:

  1. Rosh Hashanah

  2. Orange Shirt Day Reminder

  3. Success of May 2019 Tuition Support Gala

  4. Tuition Support Applications

  5. New Tuition Payment Schedule for 2020-2021

  6. Curriculum Night (Oct 2) – Specialty Subjects videos

  7. Art on Display

  8. Global Climate Strike

  9. Terry Fox Run – Thanks

  10. Upcoming September Events

  11. Upcoming October Events


1. Rosh Hashanah

Shanah tovah um’tukah! Wishing everyone a good and sweet new year.


2. Orange Shirt Day

Remember to wear your orange shirts on Monday! We hope parents will join us as we start the day forming a circle in the playground at 8:50 with all JK to Gr 6 students. Our friend, Jimmy Dick will share his wisdom and drumming with us. Jimmy is a singer, drummer, and advisor on Native culture and spirituality. He is from the Moose Cree First Nation from Moose Factory, Ontario within the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. He is fluent in the Cree Language and has been an active community organizer for many years. The Gr 6 children will share our Land Acknowledgement. Once inside, each grade will honour the day in developmentally appropriate ways.


3. Success of May 2019 Tuition Support Gala – Havana Nights

On May 8, 2019, the JICS community came together at the Fifth on Richmond in support of the Diana Rankin Muncaster Family Tuition Support Fund. Our ambitious goal was to raise $150,000. The event was a tremendous success. We were delighted to welcome Bob Muncaster - founder and member of the JICS Tuition Support Committee, Sara Jackman - valued friend and supporter of the lab school, OISE Dean, Dr. Glen Jones, alumni parents and lab school graduates, current families, and new friends of the lab school. The evening was filled with a vibrant energy deeply representative of our unique community, and strong spirit of giving.

We are delighted to report that the event raised a record-setting: $157,719.

We want to acknowledge and thank our Gala Planning Committee: Tracy Pryce, Jen Grant, Kate Strasburg, Jennifer Lambert, Beth Corcoran, Ramona Omidvar-Khullar, Mindy Budhdeo, Maryam Keyhani, Tracey Thomson, Nicole Jolly, Lesley-Anne Morris, Awet Sium, Suresh Singh, and Casey Dabiet. A special thanks to committee chair, Carol Stephenson.


4. Tuition Support Applications

Jackman ICS is committed to needs-based financial support that will both enable increased diversity and retain current Laboratory school families. Support is available to current students entering Grades 3-6 who could not otherwise consider staying at Jackman ICS. The Tuition Support Committee is working to actively expand economic diversity at Jackman ICS so that support will one day be available to families in the early years and primary grades. Although our funds available limit our ability to respond to every request, we are pleased that the total financial support awarded in 2019-2020 was over $116,000.

Please consult the Tuition Support Information section of our JICS OISE website for information regarding the forms of support available and how to apply. The deadline for applications is November 10.

Additional types of financial support have been introduced to provide needs-based financial assistance for expenses such as educational assessments, tutoring, and daycare. Requests for these types of support should be submitted through the principal, Richard Messina.

If you are interested in donating to the JICS Diana Rankin Muncaster Family Tuition Support Fund or the newly created JICS Lab School Endowment Fund, please see here or speak with Richard Messina, principal.


5. New Tuition Payment Schedule for 2020-2021

As is our regular practice, information about the tuition amount for the 2020-2021 school year will be announced in early January and the non-refundable $5000 per child deposit for returning families for the 2020-2021 school year will be due January 22, 2020. This year, the University of Toronto is implementing a new tuition payment schedule for the Lab School. A second non-refundable payment representing 50% of the balance will be due April 30, 2020. The remaining balance is due September 2, 2020. This payment structure more closely follows those used by other independent schools in the city.


6. Curriculum Night – Specialty Subjects

We are looking forward to seeing all JICS parents on October 2. See schedule here. The Specialty Teachers have described their program in documents and in short videos that allow you the opportunity to glimpse into their classrooms. All specialty teachers will be introduced in the gym at 6:50pm on Curriculum Night.

Enjoy the Specialty Teacher Videos:

(The Phys Ed video will be shared at Curriculum Night).

Please note that the deadline for registration for Oct 2 Curriculum Night babysitting is Monday, September 30. Register here.


7. Art on Display

Work from students in Gr 4, Gr3, Gr 1, and Nursery will be on display during Curriculum Night.We hope you enjoy it.


8. Global Climate Strike

Tomorrow (Friday, September 27) is the Global Climate Strike hosted by Fridays for Future. This rally will be taking place in Queen's Park in the effort to facilitate youth action on climate change and to act in solidarity with Greta Thurnberg and other youth climate activists. Several JICS families have informed us that they intend to take their child out of school to attend the large protest at Queen's Park and march down University Avenue to City Hall. As a staff we have discussed this event and we feel it is a very important event and learning opportunity. As a result, we have organized our own march! From 11:00 to 11:45 am, children and teachers in Grades 1-6 will walk along Bloor Street to OISE (250 Bloor St. W) and back with signs they have made on recycled paper, promoting the protection and restoration of the environment. In next week’s blog post, you will learn more about the initiatives the JICS “Trash Team” is implementing at the school!


9. Terry Fox Run - Thanks

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who cheered us on with motivational signs as the JK to Grade 6 children took part in the Terry Fox Run! The Grade 3 class prepared an inspiring assembly!They shared original poetry, performed striking tableaux before and showed a video about Terry before we all headed out to run around and around Sibelius Park.


10. Upcoming September Events:

Mon 30 – Orange Shirt Day & Rosh Hashanah


10. Upcoming October Events:

Wed 2 – Curriculum Night with babysitting. Register HERE

Fri 4 – JICS Running Club Cross-Country Team (Gr 3-6) at TDSB Meet, Ashbridge's Bay

Wed 9 – Yom Kippur (begins sunset Tues 8)

Mon 14 – Thanksgiving. School and Daycare closed

Tues 15 – Grade 5 & 6 Parent Info Night regarding "Transitions to Grade 7" Register HERE

Mon 28 – PA General Meeting 6:00-7:00pm & Parent Ed Presentation on Student Well-Being by JICS French and Wellness teacher, Christel Durand and JICS Social Worker, Laura Gordin 7:00-8:30pm. Babysitting provided, RVSP information coming soon

Thurs 31 – Halloween (details coming soon) & last day of Block 1 Teacher-Candidate Practicum Placement in JK-Gr 6 classes




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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