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Dismissal, Shoes, PA Fees, Parent Social

Topics covered in this blog post:

  1. Beautiful Beginnings

  2. End of Day Dismissal

  3. Indoor and Outdoor Shoes

  4. PA Fees & Parent/Teacher September Social

  5. Cross Country Team Sign-up for Gr 3-6

  6. JICS & TIFF

  7. Upcoming September Events


1. Beautiful Beginnings

What a perfect start to the school year! We are in awe of the readiness the students have already shown. They have leapt into school life in every class. Together with the children and you, we are creating a culture of high excitement about ideas and deep commitment to learning. On behalf of the staff, I send you warm thanks and special welcome to our new year.


2. End of Day Dismissal

Full day children who are not staying for the ICS After School Daycare Program are dismissed at 3:30pm into the school yard. Parents and caregivers are welcome to wait in the school yard at that time. (Kindergarten children can be picked up from the yard from 3:15-3:30pm.) We ask that the yard be empty soon after 3:30pm so that our Daycare can access the licensed space for their outdoor play-time. Children who are not picked up will be escorted to the reception and parents will be contacted. Please note that climbers are not available for play before and after school for safety reasons.


3. Indoor and Outdoor Shoes

This year, we require children to have indoor and outdoor shoes at all times. We value outdoor play in all-weather conditions but find that when children wear the same shoes indoors, they are bringing in mud/dirt and sand that make the learning spaces unsanitary, unhealthy, and possibly dangerous (a sandy gym floor = slips and falls). Thank you for your understanding.


4. PA Fees & September Social

All JICS parents are members of the JICS Parents’ Association (PA). A reminder that your PA fees and donations are paid online. These funds enhances the work of the Lab School in many ways. Thank you! Please mark your calendars for the September Social, an informal reception in the school for all JICS parents and teachers to meet and mingle with some delicious wine and cheese on Tuesday, September 10, 6:00-8:00 pm. Register here for free babysitting.


5. Cross Country Sign-Up For Grades 3-6

Students in Grades 3-6 who are interested in joining the JICS JETS Running Club and Cross Country Team can read more information and download the permission form here. Please return this form to your child's classroom teacher no later than Tuesday, September 10th.



The biggest film festival on the planet takes over Toronto starting today. If you are looking for our top picks, look no further:


7. Upcoming September Events

Mon 9 – Hot Lunch Program begins. Register

Tues 10 – Parent and Teacher Social at JICS, 6:00-8:00 pm, Register here to attend and for babysitting.

Wed 11 - Cross Country Training begins (Gr 3-6) for those who have registered (see item above)

Wed 11 – Wednesday Afternoon Program begins

Thurs 12 – Lice check (Thanks to the PA for funding!)

Mon 16 – Photo Day

Wed 18 to Fri 20 – Grade 5 & 6 Trip to Sandbanks Provincial Park

Thurs 26 – Terry Fox Run 9:15am (JK to Gr 6)

Mon 30 – Orange Shirt Day & Rosh Hashanah




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522



45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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