We are pleased to invite you to join us for our JK to Grade 6 Halloween costume parade at 9:00am on Wednesday, October 31. Nursery children will be enjoying the parade from their classroom windows!
All children are invited to wear costumes and school doors will open at 8:45 am so that they can drop off school bags before the start of the parade. If they require help with their costume, that will be available. We will then proceed into the playground after attendance is taken. The children so enjoy an audience of their friends, parents, teachers, and staff. All classes will gather on or near the benches by the sandbox and we will call one class at a time to showcase their costumes.
Following the costume showcase parade, students and teachers will head to our Halloween assembly, which will include songs with our Grade 1-6 Music Teacher, Russell Hersen. The assembly space is completely filled with goblins, magical creatures, and other excitements, and we are sorry that we do not have room for parents at this assembly.
Your child’s classroom teacher will have more information for you.
Halloween Candy
With Halloween and the winter holidays fast approaching, we wanted to share ways that can help make our school a safe and more inclusive place for students with food allergies. We prefer that students do not eat candy while at school. At JICS, we avoid sweet treats in all classrooms, preferring wholesome snacks whenever possible. However, there is a place for sweets in our diets and parents may choose to occasionally pack individual portions in student lunches or snacks from home. Students are not permitted to share candy, treats, or gum with others. In preparing your child’s lunch and snack, please be certain that all ingredients listed are free of nuts and nut warnings.
Dean’s Advisory Board
On behalf of Dean Glen Jones, it is my pleasure to announce the new members of the Dean’s Advisory Board for the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School. Current JICS parents, Nadia Thomas (Isabel in Gr 4) and Hasina Lookman (Mirabella in Gr 6) will serve on the Board which has a mandate to provide advice to the Dean on the mission of and policies affecting the Laboratory School. The Board represents the School’s stakeholders, advises on all aspects of its operation and its relationship with OISE, and the University of Toronto. Also new to the Board will be JICS Nursery Teacher, Norah L’ Esperance; JICS Alumni Parents: Grant McCutcheon and Fred Cassano. The Board will meet at OISE as follows:
• Tuesday, November 13, 2018
• Thursday, March 28, 2019
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Monday, November 5, 7:00 pm: Parent Ed Event at JCC “How to Talk to Your Children about the Holocaust” with speaker Dona Matthews RSVP
Wednesday, November 7: Diwali celebrations at JICS.
Friday, November 9: Teacher PD Day (School closed. Daycare open)
Monday, November 12: Midterm Holiday (School closed. Daycare open)
Wednesday, November 14: Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday, November 21: Parent Teacher Interviews
Sunday, November 25, 9:00am-12:00pm: Parent Ed event at JICS “Raisng Capable Kids Parent Workshop with Alyson Schafer” Register
For more important dates, please refer to our School Calendar
Measuring Pumpkins in Grade One