Dear JICS Families,
PA Fees Overdue
Thank you those families that have already paid your PA Fees. For those of you that haven’t yet paid, please do so as soon as possible via this link to Canada Helps.
Your PA fees provide the funds necessary for classroom grants, technology purchases, event babysitting, parent education, social events and more.
JICS Clothing Deadline Extended
We have extended the clothing order deadline until September 14, 2018. Please note, we will not be ordering additional items to sell at this time and there will not be another opportunity to order clothing until November. Follow this link to place your orders.
Parent Social RSVP
Our first parent social in just over a week away! Please be sure to RSVP and let us know your babysitting needs by following this link. Deadline to register for babysitting is September 17, 2018.
Call for Parent Volunteers
Without parent volunteers, many of our school events would not be possible. Please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page and sign up today!
All the best,
The PA Exec