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A Beautiful Beginning!

Dear Jackman ICS Families,

What a perfect first week! We are in awe of the readiness the students have already shown. They have leapt into school life in every class. Together with the children and you, their parents, we are creating a culture of high excitement about ideas and deep commitment to learning. On behalf of the staff, I send you warm thanks and a special welcome to our new year.

It has been so wonderful to see all of you in these very first days of school. Many of you were able to “catch-up and reconnect” at the “Parents’ Association Welcome Coffee” yesterday morning. Thank you to the Class Rep Volunteers for your help ensuring that parents are receiving information from the PA and the school blog.

Reminder: Most questions about the school and our practices can be answered by reading the Parent Handbook on the Document Section of this website.

Morning Drop Off

We thank you for not parking in front of the school from 8:30-9:00am so that we can use that area as a safe drop off for children.

Also, we ask that drivers treat Walmer Road as a one-way north-bound road as this eases congestion and blockages that often occur at peak times and improves safety for our children.

Of course, please continue to be respectful to our neighbours by never stopping in front of driveways. More info about “Parking and Driving” can be found in the Parent Handbook.

End of School Day/Dismissal Full day children who are not staying for the After School Daycare program are dismissed at 3:30pm into the school yard. Parents and caregivers are welcome to wait in the school yard at that time. Please see dismissal procedures in the Parent Handbook for specific details across the grades.

We ask that the yard be empty soon after 3:30pm so that our Daycare can access the licensed space for their outdoor play-time.

Children who are not picked up at 3:30pm will be escorted to the school office and parents will be contacted.

Please note that the climbers are not available for play before and after school.

Upcoming Dates to Note:

Monday, September 10: RFRK Hot Lunch Program begins, sign-up here.

Thursday, September 13: School Wide Lice Check (Thank you, Parents’ Association!)

Monday, September 17: Photo Day!

Thursday, September 20: September Social, 6 pm (Again, thank you to the PA for organizing this wonderful and delicious community event!) Register here.

Friday, September 21: Terry Fox Run (more details coming soon)

September 26 to 28: Camping trip to Sandbanks Provincial Park for Grades 5 & 6

Wednesday, October 10: Curriculum Night (evening)

NEW DATES for Parent Teacher Interview Dates (sign-up coming in October)

Wednesday November 14

Wednesday November 21

For more important dates, please refer to our School Calendar.

Have a wonderful weekend!



The Grade 6 students exploring, observing, discovering, questioning, and theorizing in the new teaching garden and natural world right on our doorstep.



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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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