Dear Parents,
We hope you are enjoying these sunny May days and we wish you a relaxing long weekend!
We are delighted to send you the link to the new music video created by our very own wonderful music teacher and talented musician, Russell Leon Hersen recorded with JICS students earlier in the year. Russell recorded the song “We Rise Above” which follows the recent release of his children’s cd “Russell Sprouts”. It is a beautiful song about kindness which we sing at assemblies, most recently during GrandPals Day. The video will be shared with CBC and TVO and boards of education to be used as an anti-bullying resource. We hope that schools will add this song to their repertoire. Please help us get the “message of kindness” out into the world by sharing the link with family and friends!
Doors Open Toronto 2018
On Saturday, May 26, JICS will take part in Doors Open Toronto.
Here is a link to the official website describing our building: Door Open Toronto - Jackman ICS
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to explore every corner of our new addition and learn more about historical building from JICS student tour guides (Grade 6 & Grade 7 graduates) and MA teacher-candidates.
This week we mailed the latest edition of the JICS Lab School Newsletter to our families (current and alumni) and to friends and supporters of the Lab School. This commemorative issue is a celebration of many milestones, provides updates from our rich and storied history, and informs our community of our new endeavours, such as the launch of our endowment fund to support economic diversity. I want to thank co-editors, Tracy Pryce and Tara Rousseau for months of hard work. Please let Holly know if you did not receive a copy.
Track Meet
We want to congratulate the members of the JICS Track and Field Team who have been training for weeks with coaches Michael, Judith and Nick. Our athletes brought home many ribbons from the TDSB meet at Birchmount Stadium and several students will advance to the South Conference Finals.
Family Fun Night ~ Tuesday, May 29, 6-8PM
Get excited about the JICS Family Fun Night coming up on Tuesday, May 29th from 6:00pm-8:00pm in the schoolyard! This will be such a great evening and it is always nice to come together as a community towards the end of the school year. We thank the Grade 1 families for all the thoughtful planning and organization of this cherished annual event.
For those who have not experienced a Family Fun Night previously, here is a description (
Family Fun Night (organized by Grade 1 parents)
Who: All JICS families, all teachers & some alumni students like to attend
What: Community celebration with food, beer/wine for adults, games for children
Feels like: a backyard barbeque with low-key, fun games for children to play.
Where: Lab School playground
When: May date, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
PLEASE BUY YOUR TICKETS ONLINE AHEAD OF TIME. Below is a note from the planning committee:
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Family Fun Night is coming up quickly! Tuesday, May 29th (rain date Wednesday, May 30th) 6pm-8pm Jackman ICS school yard
Tickets: Buy tickets here: $10 per person (maximum entry price of $40 for families of 4+ members)
Tickets will also be available at entry
Raffle Prizes: Raffle tickets available at drop off starting Tuesday, May 22nd *Win a class pizza lunch* *Win a class ice cream party* *Win a case of wine for grown ups*
Donate to the Book Exchange: Drop off those gently used, ready for a new home books with Paige at reception starting Tuesday, May 22nd
Evening details: *BBQ (vegetarian friendly options)*ice cream*RFRK sample table *Performance and Dance Off by City Dance Corps* *games*caricature drawing*raffle prizes*photo station*book exchange

Upcoming Dates to Note:
Saturday, May 26 - Doors Open Toronto, 10-5
Tuesday, May 29 - Family Fun Night 6-8pm. Rain date = May 30
Thursday, May 31 - Music Night. More details soon
Wednesday, June 6 - Games Day at JICS. Rain date = June 7
Thursday, June 7 - JICS Family Movie Night - details coming soon!
Thursday, June 14 - Grade 6 Graduation
Friday, June 15 - Last day of school - noon dismissal, Daycare open until 6:00
Monday, June 18 to Friday, June 29 - Daycare June Camp, 8:00-6:00 each day
Take care,