Jackman ICS Lab School Book Night 2017-18
We are thrilled to welcome the JICS community to our Book Night on Wednesday, March 7, from 6:00-7:30 in The Lab School. There will be a gathering in J. Fraser Mustard Assembly Hall (the gym) for all JICS families, with snacks, storytelling by Dan Yashinsky, singing by the Glee Club, and a Kamishibai reading from the Book Club, as well as other possible performances.
Another Story Bookshop will stage a book fair also on March 7, from 8:45am-7:30pm in the foyer of 58 Spadina (ground floor). They will have lovely books available to purchase for all ages and abilities. Students will have the opportunity to visit the book fair in the morning. Books make fantastic gifts!
We need donations for raffle baskets!
Starting on Tuesday, February 20 until Friday, March 2, we will be collecting donations in the main office for a gift basket raffle. The proceeds of the raffle allow us to enrich your child/children's learning and reading throughout the year by bringing authors and storytellers to the school. As baskets have traditionally consisted of items generously donated by Jackman ICS families, we would like to encourage you to donate an item to be included in a raffle basket. No item is too small - the Book Night Committee will organize all items into theme-based baskets. Tickets will be sold leading up to the week of the event.

Opportunities for Parent Volunteers
Please email krista.spence@utoronto.ca, or come to a brief meeting at 8:55 am on Wednesday, February 21 in the library.
There are opportunities to help with the following:
Creating a poster to market the event
Selling Raffle ticket in the mornings (March 2,5,6,7) from 8:20am-8:50am,
Creating baskets from donated items on Monday March 5 at 3:45 pm in the library,
Helping to set up the gym before the event starting at 5pm, and tidy up after the event from 7:30-8:00 pm.
We are delighted that an entire school community comes together to celebrate a shared love of books and reading. Thank you so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at Book Night!