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JICS is Officially Open!

Dear Parents,

The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study is officially open!

Friday, January 26, 2018 will be remembered by us at the Lab School as a magical and historical day.

We spent the morning with Elder Nancy Jones of Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation & Elder Mike Kabatay of Seine River First Nation. The elders performed a smudging and a full blessing ceremony with wild rice (grown in Treaty 3 territory), berries, and water shared with the children who were present. Sacred items (tobacco, wild rice, berries and water) in birch bark baskets were placed in the four corners of the building (this will be a tradition we will take on each spring). Classes of children attended different parts of the blessing and the students were encouraged to ask questions. The morning concluded with a pipe ceremony in front of 45 Walmer Road.

We are honoured that Nancy and Mike travelled from Treaty #3 territory in Northwestern Ontario to be with us. Having them at the official opening of our new building recognizes the deep partnership between our communities as we continue to learn from each other. It is in large part through our work together that we are responding to the burning need to bring Indigenous perspectives into the heart of Canadian educational settings and curricula.

In the afternoon, all the lab school children JK to Gr 6, many parents, JICS teaching faculty past and present, alumni families and the loyal friends of The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study all gathered in our auditorium, The J. Fraser Mustard Assembly Hall. Elder Nancy began the official opening with a blessing. Words of thanks to our donors were said by OISE Dean, Glen Jones; UofT President, Meric Gertler; Chair of Governing Council, Claire Kennedy; Chancellor Michael Wilson; JICS Director, Clare Kosnik and myself. Dr. Eric Jackman expressed his pleasure with the new building and the important work of our tripartite institute. He also surprised us with a poem he wrote about JICS! The official ribbon cutting took place and the ceremony ended with two beautiful musical performances sung by the JICS children. The Grade 6 students offered personalized tours to our many guests.

Following the reception, the children returned to their classroom to receive 2 surprise treats: a JICS celebratory cookie and the JICS mini-basketball I am sure has been bouncing in your home all weekend!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you. This has not always been the smoothest of rides. Thank you for your patience and support. And I would like to assure you that although much is new, what will not change is our commitment to the children; to exemplary education; and to research in an intentionally diverse community with a public purpose. Enjoy the photos below!

Here is a description of the event from the OISE website:

Please enjoy this short clip of the children singing our school assembly song (written by our very own music teacher, Russell Herson) “Together We Can Make A Difference – WE RISE ABOVE”

Re-enrollment and Admissions

Thank you for submitting your deposits and re-enrollment forms. We have some families who will not be returning and the admission team will begin immediately to fill those spots from the waitlist. If you have friends who are interested in the Lab School for their children, please always encourage them to apply. Here is the link:

Financial Support

Jackman ICS is committed to diversity in all forms and we strive for economic diversity by providing limited needs-based financial support. Four types of financial support are offered confidentially to current JICS families. See our website for more information:

For families who applied to the “Support to Retain Current Families” (due date Nov 10, 2017), decisions will be shared soon. The expected range for that fund is $1000-$10,000 per student.

I want to take this opportunity to remind all JICS families that there is a fund to support families who experience an unforeseen financial change - “Support for Changed Financial Circumstances Fund”. The expected range is $1000-$2500 per student. Application deadline is April 27, 2018 for the 2018-2019 year. See the website for more details.

The JICS Diana Rankin Muncaster Family (DRMF) Tuition Support Committee is working to actively expand economic diversity at Jackman ICS. Unfortunately, the size of the fund limits the reach. Currently, Jackman ICS families in Nursery to Gr 2 who require financial assistance beyond the forms of assistance available through the DRMF Fund have no other option but to leave the school. Also, available funds have not enabled us to financially support a child in an earlier grade through to graduation. Partnerships with community centres and public schools have helped us to identify families who are interested in joining the lab school community in Grades 4 to 6.

It is my goal to have a range of economic diversity represented at every grade level at the school: full tuition, partial tuition and full tuition support. This support would be available to current families and new families. I am researching the creation of a substantial endowment fund ($5 million) to achieve this dream. If you have ideas, please be in touch!

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • February is Black History Month. More details coming soon. We invite parents to suggest ways to help our students gain insight into the experiences of black Canadians and their vital role in the community.

  • Friday, February 16 – Lunar New Year please be in touch with your classroom teacher to find out more and how you can help.

  • Monday, February 5 - PA Meeting + Community Chat with Richard & Chriss 6:00pm - RSVP for babysitting to Holly:

  • Thursday, February 15 - Parent Education Morning at JICS 8:30-10:30AM

  • Friday, February 16 - Mid-term holiday. School Closed. Daycare Open 8:00am to 6:00pm

  • Monday, February 19 - Family Day - School & Daycare closed

  • Monday, March 12 to Friday, March 23 (inclusive) March Break - School Closed Daycare March Camp March 19-23 - open to all students. Details coming soon

All the best,




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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