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Upcoming Parent Events + Reminders

Dear JICS Families,

There is a buzz of excitement this week as we prepare for our Official Opening Celebrations on Friday. We hope to see many of you there! Below, a few reminders and some exciting upcoming events at the school.

Reminder: re-enrolment forms and deposits are due to Nancy in the school office by Friday, January 26, 2018. If you need another copy of the re-enrolment form, please email Holly. The Admissions Committee begins to fill spots from the application waitlist on Monday.

Physical Activity at JICS:

We are reaping the benefits of our new gym - each class has been provided additional time in Phys. Ed. The boys basketball team is practicing before school in preparation for the upcoming TDSB tournament. We are exploring new ways to provide physical activity to the JICS children.

  • In the Primary Grades, supervised drop-in intramurals will be offered 3 times per week on the morning recess yard. During this time, a rotation of sports (soccer, broom ball and ball hockey) will be offered to students.

  • In the Junior Grades, during Tuesday morning recesses, organized intramural soccer will be offered in the gym. Students in Grade 4 to 6 can sign up to be placed on a mixed-grade and mixed-gender team which will play against other teams – a format which has been desired by many students for many years!

As the school year progresses, new offerings will be made.

Upcoming Parent Events - hold the date!

1. Monday, February 5 - PA Meeting + Community Chat with Richard/Chriss (free babysitting - RSVP info soon)

As members of the Parents' Association, all parents are welcome, and encouraged to attend PA Meetings. These meetings are a great opportunity to meet new parents and hear about what is happening in the parent community.

On February 5, JICS parent, Doug Anderson, will be speaking about his work to revitalize the Humber River, and the JICS school trips that he leads to this land. These field trips have offered a wonderful opportunity for children to explore their natural curiosity at the Humber River. Come to hear more about this exciting collaboration between Doug and the JICS teachers! If you cannot attend, please plan to log on. Login details and agenda are forthcoming soon from the PA Exec.

Following the PA Meeting, we will have a "Community Knowledge Building Chat". If you have a discussion idea please email Holly

2. Thursday, February 15 - Parent Education Morning at JICS, 8:30-10:30am

Please plan to join us for a wonderful opportunity to learn more about why and how Inquiry is taught at the Lab School. Following a teacher-panel presentation, parents tour the school in small groups, observing the approach "in action" Please RSVP to Holly

Dates to Note:

  • Monday, January 29 - Daycare Board Meeting 5:30-7:00PM

  • Monday, February 5 - PA Meeting + Community Chat with Richard & Chriss 6:00pm - RSVP info soon

  • Thursday, February 15 - Parent Education Morning at JICS 8:30-10:30AM

  • Friday, February 16 - Mid-term holiday. School Closed. Daycare Open 8:00am to 6:00pm

  • Monday, February 19 - Family Day - School & Daycare closed

  • Monday, March 12 to Friday, March 23 (inclusive) March Break - School Closed Daycare March Camp March 19-23 - open to all students. Details coming soon



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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522



45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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