The Parents’ Association welcomes families new and existing to the 2017-18 school year. Please join us outside the school playground in the morning after drop off for coffee (reusable mugs welcomed and encouraged), to meet new parents and to catch up with each other.
As we head back to school, we thought we’d provide you with a checklist of things to bring to school on the first day:
Change of clothes, especially for younger years,
Cheque for tuition and non-tuition fees,
Hat and sunscreen for outdoor play,
Labelled water bottle with spout (prevents spillage in the classroom) - purchase Mabel's Labels and support JICS,
Lunch for those attending daycare on the first day of school,
Morning snack for grades 4-6.
If the weather is nice, many families head to Sibelius Park at noon for some outside play time (this is not a school event).
Don’t forget to visit the new PA section of the jicsfamily website to get all the latest news on how your PA Fees and Donations work hard to make JICS a better place for our kids and community.