Celebrating Diversity
At the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Lab School, we celebrate our differences as well as our similarities. The idea that each individual brings a unique and valuable dimension to our shared experience drives the relationships in our community. To us, growing and learning among individuals who share widely divergent life stories, and appreciating their respective cultures, is an invaluable aspect of a true education. Nurturing a respectful and inclusive school culture means paying close attention to individual experiences, our curriculum, admission work, and our daily lives at the Lab School.
We partner with families to help children broaden their view of themselves and others by ensuring that they encounter mirrors of their own background and experience, as well as windows of difference.
Throughout the school year, we invite parents to enrich our learning by sharing their culture and identity with us. Parents work with classroom teachers to help us celebrate events such as Jewish holidays, Lunar New Year, Diwali, Eid, Black History Month, Pride, and other festivities. If interested to help, please be in touch with your child’s teacher or with Richard Messina.