Topics covered in this post:
🎉Happy 100th Day of School🎉
1. Midterm Holiday – Happy Family Day Long Weekend!
The Lab School will be closed tomorrow (Friday, February 17) and on Family Day (Monday, February 20). However, the Daycare is open for registered users on Friday. Please contact Daycare Director Anne Marie for more information.
2. Southeastern Türkiye and Northern Syria
The JICS community is deeply saddened by the loss of lives in Southeastern Türkiye and Northern Syria due to the massive earthquakes that hit the region. All the children, individuals and families who lost their lives, the families affected by this humanitarian crisis, and the workers who are providing relief and trying to save lives are in our thoughts and prayers. Many members of our school communities have ties to the affected regions and have been profoundly affected by this recent natural disaster. In addition, School Mental Health Ontario also offers resources for students which can be accessed here. As rescue operations continue throughout the region, millions have been displaced and are in need of basic necessities and financial aid. Here is a link to donate and send emergency aid through charities providing clean water, food, medical attention, warm clothing, search and rescue and shelter to earthquake survivors. From February 6 to 22, the Government of Canada will match donations from individuals to the Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria Appeal from the Canadian Red Cross, up to a maximum amount of $10 million.
3. Pink Shirt Day
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Pink Shirt Day is on Wednesday, February 22. The day was created to mark a protest organized by two students in Nova Scotia in support of a boy who was bullied for wearing pink. We at JICS do not want to let such a day pass without honouring it. However, the staff feel that ideas and attitudes around many issues, including those involving the colour pink, are evolving, and our students are among the vanguard. Many of our younger students view and wear pink without the gendered stigma that it has had in the past. For this reason, we reframe Pink Shirt Day as a celebration of pink as a colour of love and acceptance of all people. We invite students to wear a pink shirt on February 22 as an act of love and friendship.
4. Black History Month at UofT
Friday, February 24, 12:00pm
The University of Toronto Alumni Relations is honouring the legacy of Black Canadians and their communities. We are delighted to share that on February 24 at 12:00pm, JICS alumni parent Cameron Bailey, CEO of the Toronto International Film Festival, will give a keynote address at a “virtual luncheon.” You can view the keynote online by registering here.
5. Parent Education – JICS Research Night
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm
You’re invited to the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Lab School’s Annual RESEARCH NIGHT 2023 including (for the first time) a parent social!

What: Research Night is an opportunity for parents to learn more about Lab School Research. This year we are honoured to have Dr. Eunice Jang and her team presenting to us about their BALANCE AI Study.
Where: JICS Lab School room 363 (in the Robbie Case Room on the third floor)
When: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
5:30-6:30pm: Parent Pizza Social
6:30-7:30pm: Research Presentation by Dr. Eunice Jang
(Onsite babysitting will be available for parents who register by Friday, February 24th, 2023)
Unlocking the Black Box: Promoting Your Child’s Self-Organized Learning and Development
Do you often feel your child is a black box? Do you wonder how to help your child become a self-organizing learner? Eunice and her research team focus on students’ growth in cognition and metacognition through mediational support for their self-organized learning. In this talk, Eunice shares insights into how children’s minds work in various learning contexts based on research. Eunice will also encourage parents to be more aware of what our children perceive we want for them – to learn something new or to get better grades – as this impacts their reading ability and performance in school.

Bio: Dr. Eunice Jang is a Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development. Her research is largely situated in the areas of language assessment, educational measurement, and program evaluation. Dr. Jang and her research lab are actively involved in various research projects funded by federal, provincial, and other sources. For more information:
6. A Message from the Animal Support Group
7. Photos of the Week at JICS
🏀🏐Our Grade 6 Volleyball and Basketball Teams 🏀🏐
On Monday and Tuesday this week, we returned to TDSB competition. It was amazing to see the support, teamwork, and skills on display by both teams. We are so proud of both teams for their hard work, successes, and for representing JICS so well outside of school.
Basketball and volleyball practices continue until March Break and we will update all families about next steps in the season when we hear more.
New Library Books for Holocaust Awareness Day
In honour of Holocaust Awareness Day (Jan 27, 2023) we purchased these new books for our library. They are written by Jewish authors and feature Jewish experiences. It is important that students see themselves in the stories they encounter and we intentionally curate our resources to represent the diversity that exists in our school and city.

Valentines from the HELP Club
The students in the HELP Club deliver homemade Valentine's Day cards to the residents at the Annex Retirement Residence.

A Medley of Photos
8. Upcoming February Events
Black History Month
Wed 15 – Parent Education “Hold on Tight – One Mother’s Journey, Two Exceptional Children” The Mabin School (50 Popular Plains Rd.) 6:30-9:00pm RSVP here
Fri 17 – Mid-Term Holiday (School closed, Daycare open)
Mon 20 – Family Day Holiday (School & Daycare closed) Tues 21 – City Dance Corps workshop for students
Wed 22 – Pink Shirt Day (more info coming soon) Mon 27 – Capoeira workshop with Mestre Sérgio Xocolate & Suzanne Roberts Smith for students
9. Upcoming March Events
Wed 1 – Research Night at JICS. 5:30-7:30pm. Event Details and Registration here
Wed 1 to Fri 3 – Grade 4/5 trip to Pinecrest Camp
Mon 6 to Tues 7 - Purim (begins at sunset on Mon 6)
Tues 7 – 12:30-1:30pm Lunch & Learn with Ellie (more info coming soon)
Wed 8 – International Women’s Day
Mon 13 to Fri 17 – March Break (School and Daycare closed)
Mon 20 to Fri 24 – March Break (School closed. Daycare camp open. More info soon)
Wed 22 to Apr 30 – Ramadan (begins on Wed 22 at sunset)
Mon 27 – Spring Term begins (Daycare opens at 7:45am. School opens at 8:35am)
Thur 30 – School-wide lice check (Thank you, Parents’ Association!)