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Happy Diwali, Siblings on Waitlist, Parent Ed

Topics covered in this post:

  1. School & Daycare Closed - Nov 13 & 16

  2. Happy Diwali

  3. Remembrance Day at JICS

  4. Donations to Tuition Support Fund

  5. Parent Teacher Interviews (Nov 18, Nov 25) Sign Up

  6. Siblings on Waitlist

  7. JICS Parent Panel on COVID-19

  8. JICS Parenting Workshop Series: Sibling Strategies

  9. COVID-19 Update from Toronto Public Health

  10. Upcoming November Events

  11. Photos!


1. School & Daycare Closed - Friday, Nov 13 & Monday, Nov 16

On Friday, November 13, the JICS teachers and staff will engage in a full day of professional development. Our Midterm Holiday is on Monday, November 16. The School and Daycare are closed both days.


2. Happy Diwali!

Thank you to all the parents who helped us to celebrate!


3. Remembrance Day at JICS

Thank you to the Grade 5 students, Zoe and Meaghan for organizing a beautiful assembly.


4. Donations to Tuition Support Fund

Thank you to the families who made your donation to the JICS Diana Rankin Muncaster Family (DRMF) Tuition Support Fund which supports economic diversity at the Lab School.

Here is a direct link to the UofT online donation webpage for the Lab School:


5. Parent Teacher Interviews (Nov 18, Nov 25) Sign Up

Below are the links to sign up for your Fall interview with your child’s/children’s teachers.


6. Siblings on Waitlist

We are delighted to have 6 siblings of current JICS students attending Nursery next year. The balance of the Nursery spots will be filled from the application waitlist as will any spots up the grades that become available after the re-enrolment deadline in January 2021. If you have a child you would like to attend JICS, please confirm with Nancy Boudreau ( that we have their information in the database.


7. JICS Parent Panel on COVID-19

Join us on Thursday, November 19 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm to listen to a panel of four JICS parent experts in a discussion about their work in COVID-19 followed by a question and answer session. RSVP to receive the Zoom link and submit your questions!

Parent panelist will include:

  • Allison Chris: Associate Medical Officer at Toronto Public Health and Adjunct Professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

  • Shawna Irons: Family physician working in general practice, obstetrics, sexual health, addictions and COVID assessment centre.

  • Ian Randall: ICU physician in the Toronto Western Hospital Intensive Care Unit and a cardiac anesthesiologist with the University Health Network.

  • Lisa Strug: Senior Scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Director of The Centre for Applied Genomics, Professor of Statistical Sciences and Computer Science and has a status appointment in the Division of Biostatistics at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.

Please submit question in advance through your RSVP or directly to There will also be opportunities to ask questions through the chat during the panel.


8. JICS Parenting Workshop Series with Ellie Lathrop: Sibling Strategies

Next parenting workshop with Ellie:

Sibling Strategies: peaceful ways to handle conflict. 

Our relationship with our sibling is one of the longest ones most people will have in their life. Let's join together to discuss strategies to support and foster the connection between your children. We will be talking about ways that parents can address conflict, rivalry and upset about who got the biggest piece!! Looking forward to the conversation. 

We will have a 30 min talk that will be recorded and 30 min of open discussion with parents to allow time for questions. The discussion and questions will not be recorded.  

Thursday November 26th from 12:30 -1:30

If you would like to share your questions about parenting siblings in advance, please email Ellie:

RSVP for the zoom link


9. COVID-19 Update from Toronto Public Health

Recently Toronto recorded some of its highest numbers of new COVID-19 infections since the pandemic started. On Wednesday, the Province accepted Dr. Eileen de Villa’s (Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health) recommendation to place the city in the Red – Control category of its new colour-coded system for COVID-19 restrictions beginning Saturday.

Dr. de Villa has also strongly recommended that everyone in Toronto limit social gatherings to household members only, and limit in-person activities outside the home to essential activities only. We are grateful to everyone in our community for your strict adherence to our COVID health and safety procedures, and each week we stay COVID free is a cause for celebration. In light of the rising numbers in our city, we strongly encourage all JICS families to follow Dr. Eileen de Villa’s recommendations during this long weekend and err on the side of caution to ensure that the trend of a healthy JICS continues.

For more information refer to the TPH website:


10. Upcoming November Events

Thur 12 – Diwali Assembly (Nov 12-16, Feast Day is Nov 14)

Fri 13 – PD Day. School and Daycare closed

Mon 16 – Midterm Holiday. School and Daycare closed.

Wed 18 – Parent Teacher Interviews

Thurs 19 – Parent Education Event: JICS Parent Panel 7:00-8:30pm RSVP

Fri 20 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)

Mon 23 – Daycare Board Meeting

Wed 25 – Parent Teacher Interviews

Thurs 26 – Parent Education Event: Parenting Workshop Series on Sibling Strategies RSVP

Fri 27 – Friday Parent Information Post Talks 9:30-10:00am (Zoom link)



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