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First Week of School Photos, Daily Arrival Procedures, and Upcoming Events

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Topics covered in this post:


1. First Week of School Photos

What a wonderful start to the school year! We are in awe of the joy and readiness the students have already shown. They have leapt into school life in every class. Together with the children and you, we are creating a culture of high excitement about ideas and deep commitment to learning.


2. Daily Screening

In the 2022-2023 Parent Handbook, we state that parents are required to use the Toronto Public Health COVID-19 Screening for children/students/adults each morning to determine whether their child/ren can come to school. The JICS online screening will no longer be required. The Ministry of Health and Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health has created a very easy and helpful School and Child Care Screening Tool. Parents can choose to use this tool to screen your child/ren each day. Please keep your children home when displaying symptoms or they are unwell.


3. Arrivals & Parents/Caregivers

In order to minimize congestion in the building and ensure safety for all, we are asking that parents/caregivers drop off their child/ren outside (Gr 1- 6) and at the school yard gate (JK, SK), allowing your child/ren to enter on their own. Nursery parents/caregivers are required to walk their child into the Nursery room through the south school yard.

Please make particular note of the following:

  • School begins at 8:45am. The doors to the school will open at 8:35am. If arriving early, parents are to supervise their children until 8:35am.

  • The playground is for Kindergarten children and teachers only starting at 8:35am; parents are asked to say goodbye at the gate.

  • Nursery parents may walk through the yard to the Nursery door to drop-off their children from 8:45-9:00am

  • If you need care for your child before 8:35am, please contact Annemarie about Morning Daycare.


4. September Social

Thursday, September 15, 2022

We are looking forward to celebrating the start of the school year on Thursday, September 15 at the Parents’ Association “September Social” in the School Gym with all parents, teachers and staff. Come out for a casual evening of food, wine, smiles and laughter, meet new JICS faces and reconnect with old friends. The PA is supplying free babysitting for JICS students!


5. Photo Day

Monday, September 19, 2022

Focus on Children Photography have taken the necessary safety measures for this year’s photo day which will take place Monday, September 19. Please dress your children in bright colours! Focus on Children Photography will provide each student with a unique online code for parents to view their photos and place their order. This online order is provided via a secure system. Ordered photos will be distributed to children at school when they arrive.


6. Meeting Space for Parents of JICS BIPOC Children

Tuesday, September 27, 7:00-8:30pm

JICS Parents have created a safe space for parents of BIPOC children to discuss the issues impacting our children, and as a means to collect and convey our observations, our needs as racialised families, and any advice to the school around equity and inclusion.

If you would like to join, the next meeting is on September 27, 7:00pm. A zoom address will be emailed to registered participants.


7. Parking Reminders

There is a staff supervised “Kiss & Drive” drop-off zone at our 45 Walmer side from 8:35-8:45am.

  • Please treat Walmer Road as northbound only.

  • Never block our neighbours’ driveways.

  • Parents are asked to create a queue of vehicles on the east side of Walmer.

  • Staff on duty will assist child getting out of the vehicle and walking to their entrance point.

  • Please remain in the vehicle and immediately exit the drop-off area once children have entered the school area in order to ease congestion and maintain flow. Please ensure that your child’s bag/lunch is accessible by your child.

  • It is the responsibility of parents to share the Kiss & Drive Protocols with all caregivers dropping off their child/ren.

  • Grade 1 to 6 students are strongly recommended to wear a mask beginning at drop-off.

  • There will be no parking on Walmer Road in front of the school for morning drop-off, 8:35-8:45am. All Nursery families driving to the school must park elsewhere and bring their child to the Nursery classroom. A list of local paid parking can be found here:

This information can be found in the 2022-2023 Parent Handbook. The Parent Handbook is filled with valuable information, and we require all parents to have read it, understood it, and agreed to it.


8. Lab School Dissemination

The JICS Lab School’s exemplary teaching practices and research is sought by school districts, teacher ed programs, and policy makers, as well as First Nations communities. We present at national and international conference. This reach is exactly what our mandate as a lab school supports. Our most successful dissemination effort has been the Natural Curiosity Educator Resource.

Rosa learning Indigenous math at a conference. Photo credit: Natural Curiosity
Rosa learning Indigenous math at a conference. Photo credit: Natural Curiosity

We are thrilled to announce that Rosa Na, Natural Curiosity's past Program Manager, has been awarded the North American Association for Environmental Education’s (NAAEE) 30 Under 30 Award. Since 2016, the NAAEE program has recognized 210 individuals from 42 countries who are making a difference through environmental education. As an exceptional leader, Rosa has joined the global EE 30 Under 30 community of transformative leaders, expanding their impact as well as inspiring and mentoring the next generation of sustainability leaders with her unique and passionate commitment to meaningful change. Read Rosa's bio here. Rosa will represent the JICS Lab School and Natural Curiosity at the NAAEE Annual Research Symposium and Conference in Tucson, Arizona. Congratulations, Rosa!


9. Children's Book Bank Donation

Lead by Krista, we donated 5 bankers boxes of books to the Children's Book Bank.

The Children’s Book Bank provides free books and literacy support to children and families in high-needs neighbourhoods across the GTA. Since 2008, the Book Bank has operated a beautiful storefront space located in the Regent Park/St. James Town area, welcoming school, daycare and school groups, as well as families and their children.

Thank you to all the families who donated books during hot dog night and to all the student volunteers who helped.


10. Thank you summer gardeners!

We had a full roster of families watering the vegetable gardens this summer! It was a hot and dry summer, so the fact that we have luscious green plants growing is a testament to their hard work! Even after we filled our schedule, people were offering to help. We are so lucky to have such a supportive community of gardeners!

Many thanks to Mary & Colette, Rashmi, Siri & Sihi, Stephanie & Sigi, Allen & Marianna, Casey, Elliot & Georgia, Alanna, Alexandra & Lucas, Alexandra & Robin, and Claire & Rosie for your offers and help watering the gardens!


11. Upcoming September Events

Mon 12 – Hot Lunch Program begins for registered students

Wed 14 – Wednesday Afternoon Program (Gr 1-6) begins for registered students

Thur 15 – School-wide lice check. Thanks, PA!

Thur 15 – September Parent Social by the PA. 6:00-8:00pm. School gym. (Register here)

Mon 19 – Photo Day

Tues 20 – Terry Fox Run (JK to Gr 6). More details coming soon.

Wed 21 to Fri 23 – Grade 6 Trip to Camp Olympia

Sun 25 to Tues 27 – Rosh Hashanah

Tues 27 - Meeting Space for Parents of JICS BIPOC Children. 7:00pm. (Register here)

Wed 28 – Rowen’s Day (Concussion Safety) Wed 28 – Curriculum Night. More details coming soon.

Fri 30 – Orange Shirt Day. More details coming soon.


Thank you all for a great return to school! We look forward to week 2 :)




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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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