Topics covered in this post:
Parent Dance – Fri Feb 21
How to Know if the Lab School is Open in Inclement Weather
One-Day Strike at Public Schools
Re-enrollment reminder
Black History Month
Upcoming January Events
Upcoming February Event
1. Parent Dance – Friday, February 21, 8:00-12:00
The theme is “90s Throwback” and the venue is now the home of JICS parents, Ramona and Vik, on Howland Ave. (Thank you!) Dance “old school”, nibble on delicious snacks, enjoy the open bar, and receive a $35 tax receipt for $70/person ticket. There will surprises and prizes too! More details coming soon but only a limited amount of tickets to the dance will be sold.
Purchase tickets here. The funds from this event enrich the arts programming for your child (Patrick Harvie Arts Fund).
2. How to Know if the Lab School is Open in Inclement Weather
Please add the UofT School Closure Info Line to your phone: 416-978-7669 and call it when in doubt. The Lab School remains open if the University of Toronto, St. George’s Campus (downtown) is open. If the campus is closed, we are closed. You can also check the JICSfamily website Twitter section.
3. One-Day Strike at Public Schools
The Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Lab School, Canada’s independent school with a public purpose, shares with school boards a commitment to public education. As you know, negotiations between the Government of Ontario, public school boards and teacher federations and education worker unions remain ongoing. The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA)have announced that, should there not be progress in negotiations, its members will conduct a one-day strike (full withdrawal of services) on Monday, January 20 for TDSB schools and Tuesday, January 21 for TCDSB schools. Although the negotiations do not impact JICS, we support our colleagues in the public school system and we hope that an agreement will be reached between the Province and the teachers’ unions.
4. Re-enrollment Form Reminder
The form and deposit are due in the office by Wednesday, January 22, 2020. Families on the waitlist know of this date and are eager to learn about open spots in the school.
5. Black History Month
Each year in February, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy and achievements of Black Canadians, past and present. At JICS, we learn about and celebrate Black History Month developmentally through the grades and at whole-school events such as assemblies with members of the community. We also integrate the learning and celebrations into our Library, Music, and Visual Arts specialty classes. We invite parents to suggest ways to help our students gain insight into the experience of Black Canadians and their vital role in the community. Please be in touch with your child’s teacher with ideas.
6. Upcoming January Events:
Mon 20 – POSTPONED PA Meeting & Parent Education Evening: Research Night (new date Feb 11)
Wed 22 – Due date for reenrolment and deposit (2020-2021)
Thur 23 – Information Open House for Nursery Applicants (2020-2021)
Sat 25 – Lunar New Year
Mon 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
7. Upcoming February Events (Black History Month):
Tues 11 – Parents’ Association Meeting 6:00pm
Tues 11 – Parent Education: JICS Research Night 7:00-8:30pm
Fri 14 – Midterm Holiday (school closed, daycare open)
Mon 17 – Family Day (school and daycare closed)
Wed 19 – Parent Education: Math Morning 8:30-10:30am
Fri 21 – Parent Dance (supporting enriching the arts at JICS – PHA Fund) 8:00-12:00pm Purchase tickets
Photos from Phys. Ed. with special visit from Variety Village