Topics covered in this post:
School Closed: Friday, Nov 8 & Monday, Nov 11. Daycare Open
Nursery Class 2020-2021
Water Testing
Parent Ed Event – Children’s Nutrition (UofT event)
Remembrance Day Assembly
Trash Team – Recycling candy wrappers
Upcoming November Events
1. School Closed: Friday, Nov 8 & Monday, Nov 11. Daycare Open
School closed tomorrow, (Friday, November 9) for our staff PD Day and Monday, November 12 (Midterm Holiday). The ICS Daycare is open. Register here
2. Nursery Class 2020-2021
Nancy has been in touch with current JICS families who have children (born in 2017) who are eligible for Nursery beginning September 2020.If you have not been contacted and this opportunity applies to you, please email Nancy ASAP. We will host an Nursery Information Open House in January.
3. Water Testing
Each year, Ontario schools and daycares are required to test their water for lead particles. Standing and flushed water samples from faucets throughout the Lab School were taken on October 16, 2019. The results we received from the labs at SGS Canada Inc. indicate that the drinking water in our school is completely safe to drink. We also follow Ontario Ministry regulations by flushing our plumbing on a regular basis, according to provincial regulations.
4. Parent Ed Event – Tuesday, Nov 12
Panel Discussion: Feeding Young Kids Well in Canada Today
Tuesday, November 12
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
The Eglinton Grand, 400 Eglinton Ave W
Parents, caregivers, educators and health professionals responsible for keeping young children healthy through good nutrition face many challenges old and new.
Through a panel discussion format, leading researchers at the University of Toronto’s Joannah and Brian Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition will answer key questions and share lessons learned from the latest studies on selected topics. Questions and answers will be exchanged on a range of topics including: labelling and marketing of kid’s foods; increased patient engagement in child nutrition and health care; innovations in feeding premature babies with fortified breast milk; feeding behaviours, preferences and approaches to perception of picky eating and much more. More information about the event and how to register for this free-event here.
5. Remembrance Day Assembly
Congratulation to the Grade 5 students and Zoe for organizing a beautiful and very moving assembly today.A powerful video of the Grade 5 students interviewing children throughout the school, asking “What does peace mean to you?” was part of the assembly.
View it here.
6. Trash Team – Recycling candy wrappers

Reminder that JICS is collecting candy wrappers from home to be recycled as part of the Terracyle Program.
7. Upcoming November Events:
Fri 8 – PD Day. School closed. Daycare Open. Register here
Mon 11 – Midterm Holiday. School closed. Daycare Open (Register). Remembrance Day
Tues 12 – Block 2 teacher-candidate placements begin in JK to Gr 6
Tues 12 – Parent Ed Event: Panel discussion – Children’s Nutrition (UofT) at The Eglinton Grand Register
Wed 13 – Parent/Teacher Interviews - information about booking times here
Wed 20 – Parent/Teacher Interviews - information about booking times here
Fri 29 – Last Day with Fall Intern