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NEW INFORMATION: WEDNESDAY 7:00 – 8:30 (please update your calendars)

We look forward to seeing you all (children, parents, family and friends) at our annual Art Night, a celebration of the artwork created by all JICS children.

See below for the text of the 2018 Art Night Brochure. If you want to avoid paper, feel free to refer to the digital copy on your device during your visit. Paper copies will be also be available.

A defined tour route has been created with signs, teacher-helpers, and a detailed brochure, and we ask that families stay together (children and parents/care givers) to appreciate the incredible art created by the children that will be on display throughout the school.

In order to avoid congestion, we are recommending the following entry times for families:

7:00 – Nursery, JK, SK families 7:15 – Grades 1, 2, 3 families

7:30 – Grades 4, 5, 6 families

If your family has more than one child, please arrive at the time of the youngest sibling attending the school. If this timing does not work for your family, please arrive when you can.

Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday,

Tara Jackman ICS Art Teacher


New Beginnings

Jackman ICS Art Night

April 11th, 2018

This year, at the Jackman ICS Art Night, the school space itself is on display like never before, and will play a much larger part in your overall experience this evening.

The newly constructed and renovated spaces have inspired within us excitement for the school's present, and bright anticipation for its future.

For the students, this year of change and renewal has influenced, both consciously and subconsciously, the art they have created. Returning to our Art studio on the east side of the building we have been greeted with more space to breathe, and more natural light with which to see.

Within any art practice, discovery of the new is fundamental, particularly for young learners. It is everywhere - new techniques, as-yet-unexamined artists and their work, novel media, and different ways of seeing an ever-changing world through evolving perceptions.

In Nursery, each session at the Art table brings something new to the child's knowledge of media, and ways of play. Junior Kindergarten is very similar in this regard. Many things are still new, and even ideas introduced the previous year are experienced anew as the child, one year older, engages with them in a different way.

This concept of revisiting the old in new ways carries up through the years, all the way to Grade 6, where students review, once more, basic facial proportions, but are able at their advanced learning stage to bring their maturing skills to the challenge.

Please join us in celebrating the new this evening. Let us celebrate as the Nursery children reveal all the fun they have had so far at the Art table; as the JK students show what happens when they focus on shape and texture rather than colour; as the SKs offer their studies of oil resist techniques and warm and cool palettes; as the Grade 1s exhibit all of the fascinating things they have learned about local animals and their habitats; as the Grade 2s proudly present compositions made with newly learned techniques for symmetrical design; as the Grade 3s demonstrate what the imagination can make of noisy machines; as the Grade 4s paint for mood and print for space; as the Grade 5s sculpt the human body in ways as individual as snowflakes; and as the Grade 6 students prepare us for a magical parade and evoke a sense of awe through their portraiture.



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Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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