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COVID-19 Update: New Daily Screening Form

Topics covered in this post:

  1. New JICS COVID-19 Daily Screening Form for JK to Grade 6

  2. Update to JICS COVID-19 Daily Screening Form for Nursery


1. New JICS COVID-19 Daily Screening Form for JK to Grade 6

SUMMARY: Fill out the NEW JICS Daily COVID-19 Screening Online Form each morning (by 8:00am) beginning Tuesday, October 6, 2020.

On October 1, 2020, the Ontario Government announced some changes to the school and daycare screening guidelines. These focus on providing guidance about symptoms and information to help parents make informed decisions about whether their children should attend school or get tested for COVID-19.

Since Thursday, our team has been reviewing these new guidelines and criteria. We also noted Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa’s concern on Friday that "there is more that must be done to protect Toronto against the dangerous extent of COVID-19 resurgence." The Provincial guidelines, in her view, are necessary but not sufficient for Toronto and yesterday, TPH released its screening information summarized in this poster.

With the landscape evolving so quickly, causing confusion for many, we have created an online JICS Daily COVID-19 Screening Form to help you determine, each morning, whether your child can come to school.

Please “favourite” this link on your personal technology devices:

or save this QR code:

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6, 2020, we require that every JICS family complete this form each morning by 8:00am SHARP for each child.

Your responses will be collected at school. For children who arrive to school without the form completed, the JICS administration team will contact parents beginning at 8:00am regarding next steps.

According to the revised guidelines, students with the following symptoms:

  • fever,

  • cough,

  • difficulty breathing,

  • loss of taste or smell

will be required to stay home for a minimum of 10 days. After the 10 days, they can return to school when they do not have a fever or symptoms for at least 24 hours. They may return earlier if they are able to receive an alternative diagnosis from a health care provider or receive a negative COVID-19 test and symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours.

A second set of screening questions deals with symptoms that are commonly associated with other illnesses:

  • sore throat,

  • stuffy/runny nose,

  • headache,

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

  • feeling unwell, muscles aches, feeling tired.

The following directions are provided for these symptoms:

  • Students with only one of these symptoms will be advised to stay home for 24 hours, after which they can return to school if their symptoms are improving. No COVID-19 test needed.

  • Students and children with two or more of these symptoms must stay home for a minimum of 10 days or until they are able to consult with a health care provider and receive an alternative diagnosis or a negative COVID-19 test.

In addition, based on the latest public health guidance, the symptom list for children in school no longer includes abdominal pain or conjunctivitis (pink eye).

We have updated the JICS Health and Safety Information Summary for you to reprint and post.

We thank you for your understanding and for your support. We will keep you updated about any COVID-19 policy changes as we learn more from Toronto Public Health and the Ontario Ministry of Health.


2. Update to JICS COVID-19 Daily Screening Form for Nursery

SUMMARY: Fill out these revised JICS Nursery Program Daily COVID-19 Screening Online Forms each morning (by 8:00am) beginning Tuesday, October 6, 2020:

On October 1, 2020, the Ontario Government announced some changes to the school and daycare screening guidelines. These focus on providing guidance about symptoms and information to help parents make informed decisions about whether their children should attend school or get tested for COVID-19.

Since Thursday, our team has been reviewing these new guidelines and criteria. We also noted Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa’s concern on Friday that "there is more that must be done to protect Toronto against the dangerous extent of COVID-19 resurgence." The Provincial guidelines, in her view, are necessary but not sufficient for Toronto and yesterday, TPH released its screening information summarized in this poster.

With the landscape evolving so quickly, causing confusion for many, we have created an online JICS Daily COVID-19 Screening Form to help you determine, each morning, whether your child can come to school.

Please “favourite” this link on your personal technology devices or save this QR code:

Nursery West

Thank you for filling out our screening form each morning for your Nursery child.

Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, October 6, 2020, we ask that you complete this revised version of our screening form each morning by 8:00am SHARP for your Nursery child.

Your responses will be collected at school. For children who arrive to school without the form completed, the JICS administration team will contact parents beginning at 8:00am regarding next steps.

According to the revised guidelines, students with the following symptoms:

  • fever,

  • cough,

  • difficulty breathing,

  • loss of taste or smell

will be required to stay home for a minimum of 10 days. After the 10 days, they can return to school when they do not have a fever or symptoms for at least 24 hours. They may return earlier if they are able to receive an alternative diagnosis from a health care provider or receive a negative COVID-19 test and symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours.

A second set of screening questions deals with symptoms that are commonly associated with other illnesses:

  • sore throat,

  • stuffy/runny nose,

  • headache,

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

  • feeling unwell, muscles aches, feeling tired.

The following directions are provided for these symptoms:

  • Students with only one of these symptoms will be advised to stay home for 24 hours, after which they can return to school if their symptoms are improving. No COVID-19 test needed.

  • Students and children with two or more of these symptoms must stay home for a minimum of 10 days or until they are able to consult with a health care provider and receive an alternative diagnosis or a negative COVID-19 test.

In addition, based on the latest public health guidance, the symptom list for children in school no longer includes abdominal pain or conjunctivitis (pink eye).

We have updated the JICS Health and Safety Information Summary with Nursery Screening links for you to reprint and post.

We thank you for your understanding and for your support. We will keep you updated about any COVID-19 policy changes as we learn more from Toronto Public Health and the Ontario Ministry of Health.



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