June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month
On Monday, the Lab School students and teachers will gather for an assembly to celebrate the beginning of Pride month together. We invite everyone to wear RAINBOW colours!

Here are some suggestions for explaining Pride month to children:
Be direct, but keep it simple. You can’t talk about LGBTQ+ Pride Month without first talking about what LGBTQ+ means. You can explain simply, for example, that being gay/lesbian is when a man loves a man, or when a woman loves a woman. Or that being transgender is when you are born biologically one gender, but you identify or feel like a different gender.
Be honest. Your children may have questions, and it’s important to answer them honestly, but without giving more information that they are ready for. Let their questions guide the conversation. For example, you might answer the question “Why can’t all LGBTQ+ people marry whom they love?” with “Because some people are taught that being LGBTQ+ is wrong. But we believe that being LGBTQ+ is perfectly fine and everyone has the right to love anyone else.”
Provide factual information. Let them know that in Canada, it used to be against the law for a woman to marry a woman or a man to marry a man, but the law changed so that everyone has the right to marry the person they love, whether it’s a man or a woman. It’s also important to share that gender and sexual identity are not “choices” that people make but simply who they are.
Be clear about why we have Pride month. When explaining why we have Pride month, don’t shy away from the talking about discrimination and bullying. Tell children that sometimes LGBTQ+ people have been treated unfairly or unkindly. June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month, which is when many people all over Canada, the US, and the UK show in different ways that they are either proud of being part of and/or support the LGBTQ+ community. But really being LBGTQ+ is something we should celebrate all year round.
Be open. Being open means promoting an attitude of inclusion and kindness. It also means keeping the conversation going, and letting children know they can come to you anytime they have questions. It’s important for all of us to provide a safe and non-judgemental space for children to share their thoughts and feelings.
Talking about LGBTQ+ Pride with children is a vital step to open everyone’s hearts and minds and promote a safer, more inclusive world. Happy LGBTQ+ Pride Month!
“Pride is a celebration of diversity, equality, and freedom
-and everyone is welcome to enjoy it." Quote from Robin Stevenson's excellent book, Pride p. 33

Thanks to the Grade One Families for Hot Dog Night!
Thank you to all the Grade One parents for putting on a spectacular Hot Dog Night! Your planning and execution were meticulous. It was so well organized with food ready right from the start. The very tasty hot dogs, the veggies, Jamie’s delicious fries, the watermelon, the popular ice cream sandwiches and freezies – all were a hit! There was a great vibe in the gym of fun for children and adults. DJ Sudz was amazing! You have created the mold for the perfect indoor-outdoor Hot Dog Night. Thank you all for your hard work and collaboration. A special shout-out to Lesley-Anne and Pancham – the community owe you a tremendous amount of gratitude!
Games Day is on Tuesday, June 4th at 1:30pm
Information about your child's team was given out on Friday. We invite all children to come dressed in their team colour. Hats, sunscreen, and water bottles are also encouraged. Thank you to the SK parents for organizing the special Games Day snack.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
June 3 - Pride Month Assembly - wear RAINBOW colours
June 4 pm – Games Day - wear team colours
June 13 – Grade 6 Graduation Ceremony and Reception
June 14 – Final day of school. School closes at noon.
June 17 – June 28 – Daycare “June Camp” Register here
For more important dates, please refer to our School Calendar