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Reminders and January News

Research Night

The mission of the Lab School is to provide excellence in elementary education, teacher education, and research in an intentionally diverse environment. It is an honour to serve the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) as a laboratory for learning about child development. Please join us to learn about some of the research conducted at the Lab School that will make a difference!

Monday, January 21 at 7:00-8:30pm

Robbie Case Seminar Room (3rd floor of 56 Spadina, room 363)

Dr. Angela Pyle, JICS Professor, and Dr. Rhonda Martinussen, JICS Director and Professor, will share elements of their fascinating research involving Lab School students with us during this informative evening. We are offering free babysitting for this evening event. RSVP Here

In order to hire the correct number of babysitters, we need to know by end of day today if you require this for your children. Thank you.

2019-2020 Re-enrolment

The re-enrolment form and deposit are due in the office by Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at noon.

Lunar New Year – Tuesday, February 5

Each year, we enjoy celebrating the Lunar New Year as a community. This is the “Year of the Pig”! Those born in 1959, 1971, 1983 1995, and 2007 (our current Gr 6s) share this title and are thought to be energetic, realistic, and enthusiastic!

According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. Pig was late because he overslept. Another story says that a wolf destroyed his house. He had to rebuild his home before he could set off. When he arrived, he was the last one and could only take twelfth place.

Classroom teachers are making plans to celebrate Lunar New Year during the week of February 4. If parents are able to volunteer their time, it would be greatly appreciated! Please be in touch directly with your child’s teacher.

Dissemination: Book Chapter on Learning Through and From Drawing in Early Years Geometry Springer has recently published a book called Visiualizing Mathematics: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought, with a chapter written by Nathalie Sinclair, Joan Moss, Zach Hawes, and our SK Teacher Carol Stephenson.

Sinclair, N., Moss, J., Hawes, Z., & Stephenson, C. (2018). Learning Through and from Drawing in Early Years Geometry. In K.S.S. Mix & M. Battista (Eds.) Visualizing Mathematics Research in Mathematics Education: The Role of Spatial Reasoning in Mathematical Thought (229-252). Springer International Publishing.


This chapter focuses on the relationship between spatial reasoning, drawing and mathematics learning. Based on the strong link that has been found in educational psychology between children’s finished drawing and their mathematical achievement, and the central importance of diagramming in mathematics thinking and learning, we wanted to study children’s actual drawing process in order to gain insight into how the movements of their hands and eyes can play a role in perceiving, creating, and interpreting geometric shapes and patterns. We pay particular attention to the interplay between children’s drawings and their gestures, to the role of language in modulating children’s perceptions, and to the back and forth that drawings seem to invite between two-dimensional and three-dimensional perceptions of geometric figures. We seek to forge new ways of including drawing as part of the teaching and learning of geometry and offer new ways of thinking about and analyzing the types of spatial/geometric reasoning young children are capable of.

Please find more information and link to download chapters from this book here.

Photos from Skating this Week at Bill Bolton Arena

Upcoming Dates to Note

Monday, January 21: Research Night 7:00-8:30 at JICS

Wednesday, January 23: Reenrolment form and deposit due for 2019-2020

Thursday, January 24: Nursery Open House for prospective parents

February 4-8: Lunar New Year Week

Friday, February 15: Midterm Holiday, school closed and Daycare open Monday, February 18: Family Day, school and Daycare closed

Wednesday, February 20: Parent Education morning - focus on math

For more important dates, please refer to our School Calendar



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© Copyright 2017 by Jackman Institute of Child Study.

Contact Us

Lab School Office:

416 934 4517

ICS After School Daycare:
416 934 4522


45 Walmer Road

Toronto, ON M5R 2X2

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