Curriculum Night 2018
It was wonderful to see all of you at Curriculum Night last night. As partners with parents sharing the goals of providing the best learning experiences for the students, the teachers and I feel it is important for you to know what we teach and how we teach.
We hope you had a chance to see the artwork of each class that was on display throughout the school. If not, please take a tour the next time you are around!
and the please enjoy these videos of the Specialty Subjects:
Videos about our Primary French Program and our Physical Education Program will be shared soon. A special thank you to Zach Pedersen of the JICS Robertson Program for creating these wonderful mini-documentaries with our teachers!
Diversity Forum – Creating an inclusive community at JICS
Thank you to the parents and teachers who participated in the Community Knowlegde Building Chat on “Microaggressions" on October 3, 2018. This Diversity Forum was an opportunity for adult members of our community to share their personal experiences and for others to learn how to become more aware of "everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership”. At JICS, we work together with parents to create an inclusive community of adults.
In response to a suggestion from the evening, we made changes to the JICS parent database on inResonance. Now only email and phone numbers will be visible, not addresses.
Many of you have written to me to share other ways the parents in our adult community can be more sensitive. One suggestion is that we be mindful when asking about or sharing holidays and travel experiences with other parents. (FYI - the JICS teachers do not ask children “Where did you go over the holidays?’ but rather something like “Tell me about something you enjoyed doing.”)
Although the evening’s discussion focused on issues of socio-economic status, as adults we need to be mindful that we can be making microaggressions towards others regarding race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, family structure, physical ability, health, and religious affiliations…
As one parent wrote: “Micro aggressions are the underlying understandings we have formed about others, consciously or otherwise. Left unchecked, they grow. They show up in the friends we keep, in the governments we elect and in the policies they enact. We see the ramifications of these things in statistics that reinforce stereotypes we’ve created. There’s a malicious circularity here. #BeConscious. Change starts with you.”
Please continue to share ways that we can improve the inclusive culture of the school so that all families feel respected and included.
Cross Country Meet
On October 4, our Cross-Country Track Team participated in the TDSB Meet at Ashbridges Bay with other TDSB schools. We are proud of the work of the Grade 3 to 6 athletes who practised for weeks (Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings) for this event. Thanks to coaches: Michael, Judith, and Nick!

Diwali Celebrations at JICS
Wednesday, November 7 is Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. We are asking for parent volunteers to help us celebrate and learn more about this festival! If you are interested, please email JICS parents Ramona and Radha.
Parent Education Opportunities at JICS
Parent Education 1: How to Talk to your Children about the Holocaust
The JICS Parents’ Association is delighted to present this unique learning opportunity to our community!
Date: Monday, November 5, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: Miles Nadal JCC - 750 Spadina Avenue
Understanding how and when to address sensitive issues with your child can be a challenge. Join us for a presentation and discussion on how to talk to your children about the Holocaust. The evening will begin with a talk from noted psychologist, Dr. Dona Matthews, and conclude with facilitated discussions in groups of parents with similarly-aged children.
Dona Matthews, Ph.D., has worked with children, families, and schools. In addition to running a private practice with a focus on giftedness and other special needs, she was Executive Director, Millennium Dialogue on Early Child Development, University of Toronto, and founding Director, Hunter College Center for Gifted Studies and Education.
Co- presented by Facing History and Ourselves, Mabin School, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, Paul Penna Downtown Jewish Day School and Miles Nadal JCC, as part of Holocaust Education Week.
Click here to see the flyer about this unique learning opportunity.
Parent Education 2: Raising Capable Kids Parent Workshop with Alyson Schafer
Thanks to the PA, Alyson Schafer, highly sought-after family counsellor, best-selling author and internationally acclaimed parenting expert is back at JICS! (Borrow a copy of one of Alyson’s books from our “School Library for Parents” – located on the shelf outside the library.)
Location: Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study
Date and Time: Sunday, November 25th, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Tickets & More Information:
Eventbrite Password: JICSParent
Cost: $88.50+HST
Parents strive to raise children who will successfully launch into adulthood fully prepared. That means settingthe foundation NOW to ensure their later mental health, happiness in relationships, scholastic achievement,and security in the work force. But what does that really look like? What and how should we be going aboutthis? In this 3 hour workshop, Alyson will explain:
• A conceptual framework for what our children really need
• Parenting techniques to ensure our children develop the essential beliefs, mindsets and skills needed tobe capable and independent
• Tools for developing responsible and motivated children
Click here to see the flyer about this amazing parent ed workshop opportunity.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Tuesday, October 16: “Transitioning to Grade 7” Information Night for Gr 5 & 6 parents 6:00-7:30 pm RVSP
Monday, October 29: 5:50-7:00pm: Daycare Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Parade (JK to Gr 6) (details coming soon)
Monday, November 5: 7:00 pm, Parent Ed Event at JCC “How to Talk to Your Children about the Holocaust” with speaker Dona Matthews RSVP
Friday, November 9:Teacher PD Day (School closed. Daycare open)
Monday, November 12: Midterm Holiday (School closed. Daycare open)
Wednesday, November 14: Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday, November 21: Parent Teacher Interviews
Sunday, November 25: 9:00-12:00pm Parent Ed event at JICS “Raisng Capable Kids Parent Workshop with Alyson Schafer” Register
For more important dates, please refer to our School Calendar.